By Jeff Simpson
This year, after being exposed on a national basis to be the fraud that he is, the right's Golden Boy, paul ryan(R-Wall St.) has two challengers.
Besides Rob Zerban, Amar Kaleka also announced his intentions to challenge Pink Slip Paulie.
Democrat Amar Kaleka, whose father was killed in last year’s suburban Milwaukee Sikh temple massacre, announced on Monday that he will try to unseat GOP Rep. Paul Ryan in 2014.
Kaleka, a documentary film maker, told the Associated Press that he would formally launch his campaign against Ryan, House Budget Committee chairman and 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee, in November.
“There’s a fever in the nation, and specifically in this district, for our leaders to stop playing politics and do their jobs,” he said. “All I want to do is bring democracy — a government of, for and by the people — back to America.”Kaleka’s father, Satwant Singh Kaleka, was one of five people killed when a white supremacist opened fire at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in August 2012.
Paul Ryan Democratic Challenger an Alien Conspiracy Theorist, 9/11 Truther Now let's go ask @Wisdems what they think.
— james wigderson (@jwigderson) October 31, 2013
When one of the RWNJ jumps on the protect paul bandwagon they all do. As Kevin Binvesie weighs in, with wet dreams of how to smear Kaleka already:
(Wow, the “he’s a wack-job” direct mail nearly writes itself. How does a picture of this guy look next to the Hale Bop Comet Cult leader?)Kaleka's actual views on Alien life?
Let's "politifact" that statement, by asking the coolest man on the planet:
Kaleka founded Neverending Light, the studio that produced Sirius. He couldn't be reached for comment in time for publication, but he told the Capital Times, "I don't think that any knowledgeable human would say that extraterrestrials don't exist.
Yes.....White Wisconsin fails again.
I look forward to their next breaking investigation, tieing Robert Iger to the strange happenings on Witch Mountain!
PS: If my friends at White Wisconsin want to look into a politician with a crazy theory - check out this archaic roadmap!
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