Thursday, September 2, 2010

Walker's Serbian Irony

From MKEPolitics:
Scott Walker, Milwaukee County executive and Republican candidate for governor, will conduct his “Primary Election Victory Party” on the night of the election, Tuesday, Sept. 14, at American Serb Hall in Milwaukee.
In case you weren't aware, Serb Hall is an union shop. But Walker doesn't know how to deal with unions very well, so I doubt he'll be leaving a tip.

At least some union members will get to see first hand Walker's disappointment as his gubernatorial hopes get dashed.


  1. Unions don't get tips, they are alerady negotiated into the price upfront regardless of service. Nice try though.

    You don't know real Serbs do you?

  2. Maybe they will witness his victory and give him some special "flavoring" in his punch.
