Friday, September 28, 2012

Baldwin - Thompson Debate

Well, that was....something. Tammy knows her stuff. She didn't allow Thompson's unnecessary rude and gruff behavior to throw her off. Her answers were spot on. She did well, in my opinion. Thompson on the other hand...well, when you're that far down in the polls, I suppose that tends to make someone a bit cranky.

First, something that drove me NUTS the entire debate was his answer on Medicare. As we know, it's incredibly popular within the Republican party to drop to their knees and bow to Paul Ryan's idea to dismantle and be rid of Medicare as we know it. Thompson is no friend of Medicare. Just a few weeks ago at a speaking engagement, he drove home the idea of doing away with Medicare.

View the clip here.

No, Tommy, we don't want you to get rid of Medicare. Elections are won or lost by this very idea. I think this is a big reason why so many Republicans, including Thompson, are doing so poorly in their races. Talk about taking away Medicare and it's like you've kicked the hornet's nest. So for him to suggest during tonight's debate that he wants to strengthen it, is hilarious.

The other problem with Thompson's debate performance, was the way he treated Congresswoman Baldwin. Tammy couldn't have been more polite and gracious towards Thompson. He on the other hand, acted like a bully on the playground. Rude outbursts, answers full of venom, genuine disdain for her. Wonder why we have such a partisan gridlock in congress? It's because of people like Thompson. My jaw dropped (for the millionth time during the debate) when he screamed at her for her answer over the invasive fish question. "YOU AREN'T BLAMING ME OR BUSH!?" I don't know a child who would get in someone's face like this. Is he having hearing aid problems again and he wasn't sure how loud he was yelling or what?

Wisconsin, we have a serious decision to make. Do we want Thompson, a crony millionaire who bends to his lobbyists and does the bidding of his corporate and special interest overlords? Or do we want someone who genuinely cares about us? Congresswoman Baldwin has proven for the last 14 years that she has OUR interests at heart. She is someone who will take all of us to Washington with her, just as she always has done. Vote for Tammy Baldwin on November 6th. We can't gamble Wisconsin on Tommy Thompson.


  1. I found it interesting thompson kept repeating himself just like a drunk in a bar. Kind of sad accually. Ms baldwin answered every question. Also... I did not know Mr Thompson "Built" Wisconsin. WOW !!!

    1. Ron Johnson did the same thing in debates, repeat, repeat, repeat. Without every really saying anything with any depth. All RoJo ever got out was huge scary numbers.

      Does the "we built this" routine come from a certain source? Seems to be a lot of rich folks who are buying into this thought process.

      I can think of a few billionaires up there in Wisconsin that seem to embody that notion, as well as our own here in this state.

    2. RoJo does this, too. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, scare, repeat..., repeat, scare..., repeat.....

    3. Tommy Thompson was very successful in bringing jobs to Wisconsin while he was governor. He was also able to reform welfare even with a Democratic majority in the Wisconsin assembly. He has far more experience and it showed in the debate.

    4. Was he even sober? Or maybe he was and that is why he was so angry, going through the DTs like that.

      Oh, and he expanded government and raised taxes, including the stadium tax which we're still paying for.

  2. I don't watch poltical debates as they drive me crazy but my wife told me that Tommy came off as an angry whiner while Tammy seemed calm and self assured.

    The whining anger may be an attempt to appeal to the Baggers but will be a turnoff to moderates. On the other hand Tommy may be realizing that he is finished and that he left the Akin-Gump money pump in Washington D.C. for nothing more than humiliation at the polls.

    1. Baldwins overall speaking seemed somewhat stuttered at times.

      Thompson came off as a cocky old white guy who would have been throwing f-bombs and other derogatory comments out there if he was at one of the closed door events Republicans like.

    2. I was totally impressed with her plan to make Medicare solvent! Oh that't right, she didn't have one. Go figure!

    3. And Thompson's plan boils down to "We must destroy Medicare to save it."

      To make it solvent, all we have to do is make the tax for it equal. Shared sacrifice and all that.

  3. Wow, none of you saw the same debate that I did. Tammy was such a sappy underperformer. Thompson was right, she did very little in 14 years in Congress. She is not ready for the senate.

    1. I would bet good money that Tommy had no idea what Tammy has done in Congress.....

    2. You're right, nobody knows what she has done. She is a tag along politician voting 98% of the time along party lines.

    3. well,have you bothered to look at her record or are you just gonna "tag" along with tommies campfollowers ?
