Anyone who has read my blogs the last couple years, knows that I am a big fan of snark. Roger Simon of Politico, is also a fan of snark and just took it up to a WHOLE new level with a story about Paul Ryan (R- Wall St.) .
After checking out this quote from an Iowa Republican:
“I hate to say this, but if Ryan wants to run for national office again,
he’ll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him,” Craig
Robinson, a former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa,
told The New York Times on Sunday
Dan Senor, one of Romney’s closest advisers, has kept a tight grip on
Ryan, traveling with him everywhere and making sure he hews to the
directions of the Romney “brain trust” in Boston. (A brain trust, rumor
has it, that refers to Ryan as “Gilligan.”)
But on Saturday, the day after he was booed, Ryan broke free. Appearing
at a town hall meeting at the University of Central Florida in Orlando,
Ryan showed the glitz, the glamour, the razzle-dazzle that he was
supposed to bring to the campaign in the first place.
He did a PowerPoint presentation for the crowd. According to the
National Journal, be began thusly: “ ‘I’m kind of a PowerPoint guy, so I
hope you’ll bear with me,’ Ryan told the audience as he began clicking
through four slides, which showed graphs depicting U.S. debt held by the
public from 1940 to present, debt per person in the United States,
percentage of debt held by foreign countries and a breakdown of federal
spending. He then launched into a 10-minute monologue on the federal
A word about PowerPoint. PowerPoint was released by
Microsoft in 1990 as a way to euthanize cattle using a method less cruel
than hitting them over the head with iron mallets. After PETA
successfully argued in court that PowerPoint actually was more cruel
than iron mallets, the program was adopted by corporations for slide
show presentations.
Conducting a PowerPoint presentation is a lot like smoking a cigar. Only
the person doing it likes it. The people around him want to hit him
with a chair.
As for Ryan Fever, here is a crowd that actually has it. They were chanting "Ryan Ryan Ryan" and mitt had to grab the mic and remind them that HE is the actual presidential candidate:
You just KNOW the 'Gilligan' ancedote has the ring of truth around it.