First, Mitt failed to mention the troops at all in his acceptance speech! Which of course he explained away as, you only talk about the issues that are important to you:
Secondly, the republican party threw the returning veterans under the bus who thought that they might want a job when they returned to our country!
Since all bad things come in three's, Mitt talked about his disdain for the 47% who pay no Federal income taxes. Of course Mitt is too dense to get the irony, that he does not pay Federal Income Taxes either. John @Democurmudgeon has a great post on who exactly these 47% are, one of the major groups who do not pay Federal Income taxes(and rightfully so) is our active military!
Leaving the question - Who does Mitt like?
Romney doesn't even have the commonsense patriotism (or good intentions) to redistribute his offshore millions to American banks and credit unions. Palli