First we start off with the fact that, under republican party rules, there are term limits to heading committees. As head of the Budget Committee, Paul Ryan has reached his term limit. Well rules do not matter to Paul Ryan, and he was recently re-appointed to be head of the Budget Committee. This despite John Boehner promising "no special treatment".
Another complication for leaders is Rep. Paul Ryan’s return to the House. Leaders are expected to reappoint the Wisconsin Republican as head of the Budget Committee even though he’s reached the term limit for committee heads. That has others wondering why the party’s golden boy is getting special treatment.
“I have told John Boehner that I will abide by what John wants,” Homeland Security Chairman Pete King (R-N.Y.) told POLITICO. “I was told that nobody would be getting waivers, including Paul Ryan. Obviously, if Paul is going to get a waiver, I will discuss it with the speaker.”
Once re-installed, then Paul Ryan did what he does best, punish those who have ever spoke up against him.
Two of the most conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives have been kicked off the House Budget Committee, a rare move that could make it easier for the panel to advance a deal with Democrats to cut fiscal deficits.
Representatives Tim Huelskamp of Kansas and Justin Amash of Michigan - both favorites of the anti-tax Tea Party movement - are among those Republicans voting most often against House Speaker John Boehner......
"This is clearly a vindictive move and a sure sign that the GOP establishment cannot handle disagreement," he said.
Huelskamp and Amash had said that despite sweeping changes to the Medicare and Medicaid healthcare programs, committee chairman Paul Ryan's budget did not make deep enough cuts to entitlement programs and military spending........
Huelskamp and Amash cast the only House Budget Committee votes against Ryan's budget plan earlier this year.
Paul Ryan gets special treatment because when he was at Miami University, he was a crusader to get Boehner elected to the House. It probably is less related to his run for VP.