Brian Sikkkma, of Media Trackkkers, wrote a blog post blasting columnist Eugene Kane because he dared to call out Charlie Sykes and Mark Belling for their race baiting.

good friend, Sykes.
To show that Sykes isn't really racist, Sikma gives a handful of names of African Americans who have some sort of tie to Sykes. Most of the names have to do with their recent "Margaret Thatcher Awards." Any relationship between the people Sikma mentions and Sykes is purely coincidental and meaningless to his argument.
Sikma has his work cut out for him if he wants to try to deny that Sykes is a race-baiting troll. Sykes has a long, long history of race-baiting, which include, but are in no way limited to:
- Slandering a Latino man to the point where he was sued. (The radio station ended up paying for Sykes' boorish behavior);
- Belittling the death of Trayvon Martin;
- Race-baiting MATC because they didn't hire some white guy;
- Calling the victims of severe flooding, who were mostly African American, as "moochers";
- The establishment of White Wisconsin
- Taking White Wisconsin to the radio waves by playing a race-baiting song portraying African Americans as "moochers"; and
- Responding to criticism over the race-baiting song by stating he'll do as much race-baiting as he pleases.
It's not surprising that Sikma would come to the defense of Sykes. After all, race-baiters have to stick together, and Sikma is no stranger to race-baiting himself:
- Writing several posts that appear on white supremacist websites;
- Assuming that the left was buying votes because two young women were African American;
- Accusing the mother of Senator Lena Taylor of harboring an illegally voting felon who voted legally. Guess what their races are!
- Accusing African Americans of taking a rib dinner in exchange for their vote, an allegation that was found false after Sikma's partner changed his story.
I just hope that Sikma doesn't try to defend anyone who is misogynistic. That would cause an overdose of irony.
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