Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just In Time For Germanfest!

You want public works employees to work for less money? Buy some of these beauts and they'll be begging to work:

Gotta love that German engineering!


  1. I could use one for the high grass next to my patio wall. Does it do gutters too?

  2. Something like this will never be seen in Milwaukee County. The Parks department can't even get a piece of equipment that fits on a sidewalk to remove snow. They get stuck using a pickup truck that is 6 feet wide with a plow blade that is 7 feet wide to remove snow from a sidewalk that is 5 feet wide. All you get from that is torn up grass, ruts, mud on the sidewalk and more weeds the next summer.

  3. Wait... Don't we have chain-gangs for that???

  4. First this. Patiently awaiting what they think up next!

  5. Are there any people left in America who don't believe the entire nation has to look like a golf course? Anybody else out there who'd appreciate the sparing of a bit of natural growth to soothe the soul? Huh? Just me?
