The excessive heat wave took a toll on Milwaukee’s Summerfest, with attendance declining 8.3 percent to 805,437 this year from 878,636 in 2011.Without a doubt, the heat probably had a lot to do with it.
Milwaukee World Festival Inc. officials announced preliminary data indicating that Summerfest, the World’s Largest Music Festival, increased revenue in key business to business categories including sponsorships, business group sales and exhibitors by 11.4 percent.
The 11 day event and festival fans battled heat indexes in the 90’s and 100’s on eight operating days.
The combined revenue derived from gate ticket sales as well as food and beverage commissions decreased by 7.5 percent compared with last year’s totals in the same categories.
But I wonder if that's the only reason.
I am sure that the economy of Fitzwalkerstan had something to do with it. If you have thousands of people losing their jobs and even more than that taking serious pay cuts, they're not going to have the extra cash to pay $16 a head for admission, parking and the food/beverage costs.
Even if one took advantage of the promotional discount entrances and took the bus instead of driving down there, it'd be an expensive proposition. And with the way the state's economy has been depressed, people have to take care of the vital things like shelter and food first.
Or, (since we are stretching reality to fit our agenda) maybe that 8.3% loss in attendance is due to our neighbors to the south not being able to afford the trip up here due to their oppressive taxes caused by their democratic leadership.
ReplyDeleteOppressive for you personally?
DeleteI would like to have examples.
I don't live in Illinois.
DeleteBut here's some reading for you:
I can't take that "org" seriously.
DeleteThe Twin Cities already "hated" on the nurses unions before the 2010 elections.
Been there, done that.
The nurses union dictated policy in the twin cities? Odd, I didnt hear about that.
DeleteThey are the cause of skyrocketing medical costs. This is why your medical expenses keep going up.
DeleteSince Walker is in the limelight, no need to attack the nurses unions for now since the nation has Wisconsin public teacher unions to hate on (plus their public, so hatred can splash onto even the non-unionized public working person without causing confusion with political effigies.
Wouldn't want to confuse which group of people should be getting hated on. Republicans are orderly that way.
Economics is keeping me away from everything this summer unlike other years.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world do taxes have anyting to do with a one-day trip to Summerfest?
ReplyDeleteyeah...taxes, those are the things "rich" people have to pay, so government can "create" jobs, right?
DeleteSince people who "earn" or "have" more (however it is determined) are more able to put in more, I think it is ok.
Now, MR. IMBR:
Let's say that of all taxes collected in Wisconsin, that only 20% of all Wisconsin residents end up paying for roads at all.
Now, should that 20% (the upper class) be able to then rule over the 80%?
Should that 20% be able to charge fees to the other 80% for use of Wisconsin roads?
What is "fair," Mr. IMBR?
The founding fathers considered this when they wrote the constitution. But then again, back then you had to be a land owner to vote. So even they weighted the power to about 16% of the population.
DeleteYour road analogy is a bad one because taxes on fuel are supposed to finance the roads, weighting the cost more to the users. But we know this money goes into the general fund. And in addition I would say I paid a lot of fees to use the roads in Illinois. And there, it would seem, the unions that control the state are the 20% charging for use of the roads. So the union answer to your question is yes.
Should the right for non-landowners to vote be rescinded?
DeleteShould there be any safeguard built into democracy to prevent government from "re-distributing" funds? and rewarding the non productive in society?
DeleteIMBR I wish the trillions we gave to wall st though blows that theory out of the water....
DeleteAnd the money spent to reduce poverty? Where has that gotten us?
DeleteI was under the impression that quite a bit of that wall street money was repaid. Unlike our "investments" in green energy and G.M.
yes much of it has been repaid into the bank accounts of the Wall st execs and the campaign coffers of the politicians who gave it to them.
DeleteJust pointing out that the only real "productivity" that has come from wall st and hedge fund managers(yes you mr. hovde) has been crashing the economy.
If you want to attack non productivity, start there! They have actually personally affected you!
Yes, the rich have gotten richer. But the poor have gotten richer too. I have been to rural mexico. Poverty has taken on its own meaning in this country. The difference is, here, you have the opportunity to better yourself. So I will spend my time bettering myself and not hating the people above of me.
DeleteMexicans have the same chance to better themselves as we do in the United States.
DeleteBecause working for ass-hats is an opportunity in itself in the United States.
Or serving them your McFrappachino on your way to "manage" the construction....
yeah, if they sneak past the border, they may have a better chance than we do. They can gain the system and then leave.
DeleteI'll make yours extra hot. So you can sue!
There's been several Wisconsin Guard units that have been down on the border building fences to keep those vermin out for their 15 day training.
DeleteI hear their females throw babies still connected to the umbilical cord over the fence so they can "anchor" them here to get all those freebies. They have stands that hand out entitlements as soon as they touch U.S. soil. (Very user-friendly system.)
racist are you a bootlicker for corporate america ?
DeleteNo more than you, assuming your a rider, those factory performance parts don't come cheap. Looks like you've invested quite a bit into Harley, and they aren't exactly union friendly these days. I've worked for Keith and had a few discussions with him. That company was in trouble when he got hired. And just like the public unions, their union had to share the pain. Now tell me, why should public employees be treated to a higher standard than private sector?
DeleteI'm just glad Obama backed the bail out of Wall street, Or we would never hear the end of how Bush paid off his donors as he left office.
Well, this thread has jumped the shark thanks to IMBAR and friends living up to his namesake.
DeleteYup, it's undocumented workers that cause the problem. The fact that Republicans are forcing people off Badger Care by hundreds of thousands of people has nothing to do with it. The greed of insurance CEOs, drug company CEOs, and the rest and their multimillion dollar yearly payouts has nothing to do with it.
Now tell me, why should public employees be treated to a higher standard than private sector?
DeleteOf course they shouldn't. But why should the answer be to tear down the public workers. Instead of the CEO making millions of dollars each year, give it to the people that made it happen by the force of their very bodies. Why do you hate workers?
The world is not "fair" and when you can come to terms with that you might be happier. We all had a chance to get our masters in business and show an ability to run a major corporation. We all choose our path based on our own strengths. I could not run Harley, or the state. But I can help elect somebody that can. Would Harley have helped its employees by hiring me as CEO and paying me $12 an hour, or by paying Keith millions? I'll give you a hint, he's probably more compassionate than I am.
DeleteMy point was, that other unions have already made large concessions, why should I pity public workers for doing the same?
You should have been happy with your old "CEO" as he took a voluntary pay cut as head of the county. I didn't hear him cry about quite as loud as you.
Sorry to get so far off track, but summerfest attendance is a boring topic. I'm looking forward to some posts concerning these points from now to November.
I can conceal and carry to make things "fair" now.
And you can, too, so it is now a level playing field.
Take it and make it yours, wild west rules.
Since Summerfest draws people from all over the Midwest I suspect the economic woes are not just Wisconsin. I know I'm much worse off economically now than I was before Obama took office. The bright spot is that my state taxes have gone down. I use the savings for gas to get to/from my menial government job. Since that's the only game in the nation offering pensions and retirement at 55 I ain't quitting...
ReplyDeleteMilitary also offers an exceptional pension and retirement can come early.
DeleteI'm surprised a person who makes such smart-ass comments like this hasn't jumped into the Wisconsin National Guard!!!
Unless the patriotic anti-Obamite at 10:27 AM isn't very patriotic and one those chicken hawks who never step up to the plate......
Thank you for admitting you still have it better off than the private sector employees.
DeleteHave you beaten the black public employees in your neighborhood today?
DeleteNo, I don't agree with Obamas entitlement based economics, so therefore IMBR. You'll see that racism card used more and more between now and November.
DeleteSo, IMBR is upper class.
DeleteThis explains this person's reasoning.
And that is fine, I still like this guy.
See, now, what are "entitlement based" economics?
Do you think, Mr. IMBR, that the upper class should be the only class of people fit to rule, and that any class below should be indebted for the duration of their lives?
If the "rich" pay for everything, they technically own the military. Those 15 or so aircraft carriers ain't cheap, and they are out there; protecting your (?) overseas interests.
I ran into this one person while working on the 4th of July. The person questioned why I had to work on the 4th of July? The person said that was plain un-American, and that every true American should have the 4th off.
Is my employer un-American?
That's the ideology that got southern Europe in trouble. Remember the 30 hour work week?
DeleteJehovahs witnesses will tell you there are no holidays that should be celebrated. But don't tell your boss, or he'll be talking to them longer when they knock on his door.
Here is a new definition of "american" for you to elevate to:
"ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"
JFK was shady in his own way, since he got shot he got a better spot light.
DeleteNobody ever questioned why PT 109 was where it wasn't supposed to be when that destroyer tore through it.....
Here, elevate yourself, "American: Consume."
You really do hate America, dont you?
DeleteI hate the owners, the residents are cool.
DeleteAre you saying that because of Act 10 and the WI republicans actions in dragging millions out of the Wisconsin economy it has hurt wisconsin businesses? who knew?
ReplyDeleteThose who still read the paper will notice the Pg. 2 article on Taste of Chicago having to cut back for the last three years. I'm sure the partisan hacks here will put two and two together and conclude that it might just be Scott Walker's fault.
ReplyDeleteof course in Illinois Rahm emmanuel has been cutting back on teachers and public workers also. Which could be why he is also seeing the same results...
DeleteI suppose, two "neighbors" cut their budgets similarly.
DeleteOne neighbor boosts income by bringing in extra revenue from the top crop of society.
I think it has more to do with half the state not feeling like spending money or celebrating. That is why I spend less.
ReplyDeleteYou didnt go to summerfest because Walker won? lol
DeleteThere's meds for depression you know. And this blog isn't one of them!
Why go to a shitty city when there's more concerts and other things to do in Wisconsin?
DeleteAm I the only one who thinks it may have something to do with the musical acts they booked? This is the first year in a long time I didn't go at all, and it had nothing to do with the economy.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not mistaken, the line ups were very Euro-American based. No diversity.
DeleteI like Milwaukee, but I don't spend money on just anything anymore. I don't want to give money to businesses that contribute to people who are trying to destroy public education. I don't know if Summerfest is in that category or not, but I myself am pretty choosy these days about how/ where I spend my money. I am not saying it has anything to do with Summerfest.
ReplyDeleteMilwaukee is cool, don't knock it.
Milwaukee is the cause of our states problems and will be for years to come. Everybody in the rest of the state has to suffer for that city now.
DeleteIt's only cool because of the lake.
Milwaukee is the reason many in this state are prosperous, but I agree that when Walker was county executive he made changes that will cause problems for Milwaukee and for the state of Wisconsin for years to come.
DeleteWalker will save the state!!1!!!1He had to leave the city to solve the problems for those kinds of people and now he ill save us all an are kids so theys dont get struck wtith obamas debt!!1!!! iI hope he replaces obama as president this summer recall.
DeleteAw, capper thank you for making us so much more smarter today with your brilliant reasoning.
DeleteOf course, paying $16 to get inside the gates, plus parking or traveling on dirty stinking buses, pay a lot money for money for food and beverages, pay more admission to the big concerts- that had nothing with lower attendance. Of course, the heat had little to do with it.
But, thanks again, capper for enlightening the readers of this blog with your knowledge.
Wow, Dan, I see you're adding lying to your repertoire of stupid comments. Or did you miss this line before showing how moronic you really are: Without a doubt, the heat probably had a lot to do with it.?
DeleteAnonymous 2:40, learn about the difference between a city and a county.
ReplyDeleteWalker never had to leave the city of Milwaukee because never was in the city of Milwaukee. He is a suburbanite from the city of Wauwatosa (and before that, he was an exurbanite from the city of Delavan).
However, he did do the damage to the city that he could, cutting back on county services and county parks that are in the city -- and, of course, cutting back on maintenance of county facilities that are in the city, such as the O'Donnell parking structure. Unfortunately, he did not kill a city resident in doing so.
He killed a suburban kid. There is a lesson in that for those of you who also, like Walker, do not see the interrelationship of the city to the rest of the state.
Walker will save us all!!!!!!1
DeleteI thought you were joking, anonymous at 2:40. Seriously, how is any politician going to save everyone?
Delete16 posts by the Racist! That's gotta be a record. Was it the heat or is he just off his meds?
ReplyDeleteJust hoping somebody's going to come up with a logical argument that will make me question my conclusions. For the most part people here are respectful, and some are pretty intelligent.
DeleteAnd I think there's hope for Capper. We just need to get him to start his own company with union employees and I think he would come around.
DeleteYou drank so much of the Kool Aid that you wouldn't dare question the pap you've been fed, regardless of how far fetched it is. And I'm probably not as greedy as you so I would pay my workers well.
"Kool aid"? Stealing the republicans quips now?
DeleteI have a friend, big Hillary supporter he was. Signed the recall. Was laid off due to the housing bubble bursting and started his won small firm. Its fun to watch as his take on government is evolving as he struggles with all the expenses involved in trying to be profitable. He's still a liberal but his reasons for being so are changing. I am thinking eventually he will run out of reasons.
I must be a racist:
ReplyDeleteYou quote JFK asking not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
I took that quote and idea very seriously as a child and young adult. As a result, I became a teacher, wanting to help my country. Now the GOP blames people who made the same choice I did.
Public sector workers are the ones who really are motivated by quotes like JFK's. They do sacrifice. They chose to go into professions that serve less fortunate people. They deserve our respect.
So, I agree with you on the quote, but disagree on the implication that public sector workers,and/ or union employees don't sacrifice.
And, my "anonymous" name is not so great, but your userID, "Imustbearacist" is an insult to everyone who might disagree with you, before they have even done so. You assume people are going to make that argument, but maybe they are not. Also, please be aware that the first time I read your userID, I thought it said "Iamaracist". Remember that online people tend to skim through information quickly and that name gives you a bad image, at least with me. It is overly confrontational. Not that "anonymous" is so great either, but I think you know what I mean.
Well, in my defense I didn't say public sector workers didn't sacrifice. I did suggest that they joined everyone else in sacrifice.
DeleteAs far as the name, It was actually derived from commenting on Eugene Kanes articles, which the responders are quite confrontational. But assuming by your reply you have decided to look past the cover of this book. I think the name helps weed out the people who actually want to discuss the issues as opposed to just throw a jab. The name just makes it easier for the latter.
I disagree with you about your name, but you are right about the Eugene Kane articles having racist comments often or at least they call him a racist if he mentions race, which is what his column is supposed to discuss, so it is bizarre.
DeleteDan, Dan, my favorite "moran" man(?). Hey Chris, I see Dan has taken up the "thanks for making me feel smarter" line. Still nothing original from him.