With times being tough here in WI, what does the Koch Brothers astroturf organization "Americans for Prosperity" do? Party of course!
When people are losing their job at an alarming rate, its time for another "Defunding the American Dream" summit! When times are bad why not have a big party with some good comedy?
What could be funnier than Brian Sikma from Mediatrackkkers giving seminars about doing research?
They found a way to top it with their "keynote" speaker:
12:00-1pm ET – Lunch and Keynote Vicki McKenna, News/Talk 1130 WISN Radio
How Grassroots Citizens Won the Wisconsin Recall Election
A laugh a minute at the Koch sponsored event where they talk about a "grassroots movement" when Governor Walker, raised most of his money from out of state, where the Koch brother's bussed in workers for $14/ hr to work on his campaign that is actually the exact opposite of grassroots.
Of course, Vicki Mckenna has never worried to much about being factually correct!
We call her "the Viper" at our house. She makes my stomach turn!