enry Hamilton, 64, owner of Tropical Tan was so upset that President Obama won, that he wanted to send the president a message by killing himself.
A Key West man who told his partner that "if Barack gets re-elected, I'm
not going to be around" was found dead on Nov. 8, with the words "F---
Obama!" scrawled on his will and two empty prescription bottles nearby.
While he was true to his word, not quite sure it had the same effect on President Obama....
and you wonder why the "tea party" is losing popularity by the day!
more here:
more here:
Sounds like.....WINNING, Charlie Sheen-style!
ReplyDeleteAnother worthless Flor-idiot out of the gene pool. Works for me.
There's nothing quite as savory as a blogger reveling in someone's suicide.
ReplyDeleteEspecially this fellow, who appears to be mentally ill.
You seem to have a knack lately for making liberals (like me) look like vindictive jerks.
Please rediscover your compassion. I know you have it; you've displayed it many times.
Meant "UNsavory" in the above comment.
ReplyDeleteits not making fun of his suicide, its making fun of how incredibly ridiculous the far rights hate of Obama is.
DeleteHe had to have been mentally ill, not far right. It is a very sad story. He was obviously not thinking clearly and took his own life. It is tragic. He needed help and didn't get any.
DeleteI have to say that it isn't his politics that caused his death, it could have been anything.
DeleteYes, some far right people are crazy and their small government nonsense doesn't make sense, but this guy is more a victim in the sense that he got caught up in politics when he was depressed and needed treatment and didn't get it.
Jake from LP.
ReplyDeleteGotta go with above anonymous on this one. That's pretty harsh.
Sadly yes, He was mentally ill! However I am glad he did not take others with him !!! The far right media machine has created Paranoia in their ranks and I'm sure we will see more of this behavior in those who are unstable.
ReplyDeleteI admit it was harsh. And DESERVED. If you're so weak-minded that you're going to kill yourself because Obama was re-elected? When you live in KEY WEST? Sorry, but this world is better off without a whiner like you. Sure that's not PC, but it doesn't make it no less true.
ReplyDeleteDid we in the thinking world off ourselves when too many Wisconsinites wimped out and decided to retain Walker? No, we've come back to fight some more and get things changed. This guy took the coward's way out.
The thing is, I don't know his diagnosis, but often people who kill themselves do it out of a temporary state of depression. Mental illness usually means the chemistry in the brain is "off" or something is connecting correctly. If he were having a breakdown/crisis/delusions/paranoid episode, then he might kill himself because his own reality was telling him there was no way out.
DeleteLiving in Key West or any other paradise has nothing to do with it, his reality was not real.
His reason is illogical, his politics are worse, however, he is not necessarily a coward, could just have been having a breaskdown.
Please educate yourself on what it means to be mentally ill.
Are you saying I should...............
ReplyDeleteI suspect that Mr. Hamilton was a devoted Fox News viewer, which just goes to show that rabid, paranoid propaganda kills in more ways than one, which leads me to ask: Why is Ted Nugent still walking around, excreting bile? Wasn't Rocks' gun-toting pedophile supposed to be dead or in jail if Obama won? C'mon Ted, we're all waiting.