Thursday, July 5, 2012

Correcting The Wrongs Of The Right

Since Owen Robinson has seen fit not to let me comment on his blog anymore, I am forced to correct his factual errors here.

My friend, Jenni Dye (the famed @legaleagle on teh twitter) wrote a thought-provoking opinion piece for the Isthmus regarding what she feels needs to be done to pull the Democratic Party and the progressives out of the quagmire of Fitzwalkerstan and lead the state back to where jobs are created and people are respected.

Robinson found the article interesting, but offered a couple of his own skewed observations.

The first one:
Where the author gets it a bit wrong is in from whence those new folks should hail. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is currently being led by folks from the radical activist wing of the party. They are the ones who have driven the party into the wilderness. The party needs new blood, but putting up Blue Fisters hasn’t worked and it won’t work in the future. You can’t win the majority when you spend your time telling folks with whom you disagree how stupid/bigoted/sexist/oppressive/etc. they are. You have to actually communicate with them at some point.
The funny thing is that Ms. Dye was just elected this past spring as a Dane County Supervisor, even though she was on of the most recognized "blue fister" who he says can't ever be elected.

So much for his theories.

But the real kicker, which I will post with no further comment, except for emphasizing the pertinent parts, so that the gentle reader can get their licks in, is this "observation":
That’s where Republicans in Wisconsin have been successful in recent years. They have effective, principled people who communicate a positive vision of Wisconsin based on their values. They don’t denegrate those who oppose them and they don’t bash their opponents as bad people - just people with bad ideas. Of course there are exceptions, but the Republican Party has been quite disciplined as of late.
Oh, I guess I spoke too soon. I just have to point out that his first commenter, Kevin Binversie, who has recently called me a "liar" and a " loony, bat-shit crazy, AFSCME hack" rather shows just how wrong Robinson got it.

Some days, it is really beyond me how anyone can take these stooges seriously.


  1. Ummm.... WTF are you talking about? You can comment all you want at B&S. When you start out a post with a lie like that, the rest just reads as BS (pardon the pun). It's hard for you to play the victim when you spend your life attacking people.

    - Owen

  2. For three times now, my comments weren't allowed. Oh, and talking about the crimes committed by your heroes is an attack now? But your attacking the unions aren't? Gotcha. Y'know, there's a word for that.

  3. Yes Republicans are principled people who communicate a positive vision.

    None of them ever made death threats during the Recall process, cut a gas line to a home in an attempt at arson, threatened people with baseball bats, drove their cars at petition gatherers, spit on people, yelled obscenities in the presence of children, ripped up petitions, burned recall signs, gathered signatures under false pretense and destroyed them, vandalized property, fired employees for their political beliefs or used recall petitions to form a blacklist.

    They are all effing angels and the Democrats need to show more civility.

    1. Gareth nice run down. In Owen's mind either none of that happened or like the reason david prosser choked justice Bradley it is all justified because we made them angry.

      If Capper was the reason the dems lost, maybe Walker should have been a fiscal conservative and just campaigned on that and saved himself $40 million dollars which, in the immortal words of rebeccaforreal, could have been used on teachers and firefighters.

  4. Capper,

    We have an auto-spam filter that sometimes catches comments that it shouldn't, but we don't moderate comments. Your BS victim attitude is entirely misplaced. And I know you know better, so it's clearly a ploy on your part. As for attacking, no... it has nothing to do with that. You have become quite delusional. Frankly, it's good for my side that you are the poster child for the left. The electoral results are a testament to that.

    - Owen

    1. Uh huh. Just like no blue fisters when elections. As for being "delusional," don't you worry, Owen, I'll remind you when Walker does the perp walk. You might be OK with corruption, at least when it comes to Republicans, but the rest of the world isn't.

  5. Keep it up.


  6. "I hold you in high esteem for keeping my secret identity for a year, and for resisting those that tried to get it from you. I also admire James Widgerson and a few others from the right, even if I don't usually agree with them."

    I suppose that statement no longer applies, eh?

    - Owen

  7. That's a quote from capper...

    - Owen

  8. "when you know better, you do better." Maya Angelou.

    By the way when you say stuff like this "The electoral results are a testament to that."

    do you consider flipping the senate a win or a loss for your side?

  9. No, capper knew better back then. He knew that we are all just people trying to get ahead in this world and appreciated different perspectives. That's no longer the case, which is why he's become quite the fool in the Democrats' court. They pull his strings and he dances.

    A narrow victory in a swing district that will be reversed in 4 months? And the Senate isn't in session until after November?


    Hey, I've been there. The Republicans were in the wilderness for a long time. And more importantly, conservatism wasn't a part of the Wisconsin Republican party for a very long time. It took being in the minority to learn how to sharpen our message and reach out to those with whom we don't always agree. You'll learn that truth in time, but my fear is that our edge will be blunted by the lure of the majority. Thet's the normal trajectory. It hasn't happened yet, but it's coming, I fear.

    - Owen

    1. Yeah, I tried to be nice. Look where it's gotten us. Higher taxes, less jobs, no rights.

      I won't be making that mistake again.

  10. Owen seriously in what state do you live? Are you trying to say that Capper is a fool in the dems court yet the righty bloggers are just independent thinking voices who happen to agree on every single issue? no tools of the party at all? Do you think we do not know how the kochs/Bradleys pull many on the rights strings and they dance? Have you ever read local hack christian schneider? Do you really think that WIggy or Binversie would be employable doing anything but being a complete party hack and parrot???

    A narrow victory in a swing district is what happens to the republicans all the time, which is why they so unethically and so blindly partisanly and in secret redrew the districts(at great expense to the WI taxpayer). Why do they do that? is it because their message resonates so well with the people or because they know that the current brand of republicanism is so extreme and crazy they cant win swing districts?

    The senate is not in session until after November. Of course not why would they want to work? Everything is fine in WIsconsin now, no need for the politicians to actually have to earn their pay or their cadillac benefits at all is there? Yes there is a chance, thanks to the redrawn lines and the massive millions of out of state money, that you might win both houses again. Let's not pretend though its because you have a lcear positive vision for this state.

    As for conservatism, that died with Ike. My biggest problem with the whole of the left is they keep calling the right - conservatives. There is not a single conservative elected official in WI. have you seen the legal, and travel bills that walker passes on to the taxpayers? was the 2.2 billion coprporate tax breaks conservative? how about allowing the mining company to write the mining bill and offering them anything they wanted? conservative? Every bill that the republicans have passed has been BIGGER that conservative? if so we have different definitions of the word.

    Finally, even you cant believe this line:

    principled people who communicate a positive vision of Wisconsin based on their values. They don’t denegrate those who oppose them and they don’t bash their opponents as bad people

    We spent the last 18 months dealing with republican thugs and violence that started at Scott walker and scott fitzgerald and trickled down to Phil Dziki and beyond. Did you see tommy thompson through all of hius sluring words say "we need to make sure those who want to recall Scott walker are black and blue"? Or have you listened to Scott Walker and the rest demonize public workers for the last 18 months??

    Come on Owen you win, i get it but lets get out of the bubble and live in reality!

  11. My comment on BS was also "moderated" into eternity

    1. Imagine that. But he has "no control" over that. Funny, even this cheap site has spam control. Wonder why his doesn't.
