Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Christian Schneider - Really, Really Wrong

 Image result for christian schneider guns

By Jeff Simpson 

Recently Journal Sentinel columnist and Michael Grebe employee Christian Schneider wrote this:

 People didn't just start shooting each other when the law passed in June of 2011 — at the very least, those who want to carry must now receive training, which makes everyone safer.
Of course everyone has heard the story from this weekend:

 A gunman apparently enraged that a van had struck a 2-year-old boy Sunday on Milwaukee's northwest side not only "assassinated" the driver of the van — in the words of Mayor Tom Barrett — but cut down the toddler's brother, who had rushed to the scene.Rasheed T. Chiles, 15, had been attending a party at a nearby house with his brother, 2-year-old Damani T. Terry.
Archie Brown Jr., 40, was driving the van about 5:10 p.m. Sunday in the 4600 block of N. 48th St., near Wahl Park, when he hit Damani, who had darted into the road, according to Milwaukee police. Brown immediately jumped out and — by all accounts — was grieving and upset as he stood over the body.
A gunman shot and killed Brown, according to police. "Someone got angry," Barrett said. "Someone took a gun and basically assassinated this gentleman."

Archie Brown Jr. must not have read Christian Schneider's column, or else he would know how safe he actually is.  Schneider could read his column at Mr. Brown's funeral so his whole family would know how safe he is.

Christian Schneider is not just wrong, he is dead wrong.   As he asks at the end of his column(slightly edited):

 The question is, how wrong does Christian Schneider have to be before we stop believing him?


  1. God, you are SUCH an asshole, Simpson. What happened over the weekend with that shooting was a violation of basic human decency, and you're trying to hang it on...... Christian Schneider?!!!

    Do you fuckwits do anything but troll conservative bloggers on this site?

    1. hey asshole,

      I take offense to your comment.

      schneider with his brother walker are the biggest assholes alive, next to you of course.

  2. No i think righty bloggers should be able to post their bullshit on as huge a forum as humanly possible without ever being challenged. Especially when they write crap that they know is pure fantasy.

  3. Christian Schneider is a symptom and not the problem The fact is Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has promoted Scott Walker for years an no one does so more shamelessly than Schneider. He is our divide-and-conquer Governor's biggest booster.

    The type of carnage that happened on the North side of Milwaukee is exactly what they need to fan the flames of racism and distract from the out-of-state multinational corporate agenda they stand for.

    There is not taking back Wisconsin until we find a way to organize meaningful economic action against the state's largest newspaper and the business that advertise in it regularly and underwrite the hate speech on TMJ-AM and the rest of the squawk-radio format.

    1. Anonymous @ 8:31am: "Christian Schneider is a symptom and not the problem"

      He is part of the problem; he is helping to cause the continuation of the problem.

  4. Whatever, Homer. Schneider writes well enough to get paid for it. You write well enough to be a shoe salesman. Deal with it.

    1. Now that you mention it, Schnieder's nose is large and deformed enough that it would fit in a size 9 shoe. Maybe someone should sell him one. Thanks for the suggestion.

      As for his writing quality, when you are a propaganda artist, it isn't the beauty of your pros that count, it is the way you get the corporate agenda across. Just like admen are not great writes nor are they judged by how well they right, what matters if your ability to tell a lie over and over again.

    2. Now that you mention it, Schnieder's nose is large and deformed enough that it would fit in a size 9 shoe. Maybe someone should sell him one. Thanks for the suggestion.

      As for his writing quality, when you are a propaganda artist, it isn't the beauty of your pros that count, it is the way you get the corporate agenda across. Just like admen are not great writes nor are they judged by how well they right, what matters if your ability to tell a lie over and over again.

    3. Schneider's nose doesn't really look like a foot or a size 9 show. I think most would say he looks more like a dick face.

  5. Next to go is the 48 hour waiting period so that if an individual is outraged he can race to the nearest gun shop, buy his weapon of choice and shoot up the neighborhood. Come on people will this nonsense of allowing everybody to carry a gun ever stop? Mr. Brown might have been able to defend himself from fists, a hammer or a knife............but I've yet to see someone stop a bullet. Lets end this nonsense that guns make us safer!

    1. Have some sympathy for the suicidal. If someone has to wait 48 hours to blow their brains out, they might change their mind.

    2. You do realize that you can go buy a shotgun and pick it up immediately!

  6. There have been some insightful posts at '' Political Heart"
    regarding concealed carry.that I haven't seen picked up by any other bloggers. The facts show or at least the statistic that we are not safer.

  7. The shooter has not been identified as of this writing, so how can you jump to the conclusion that the shooter possessed a valid state concealed carry permit? My guess is he does not have one. Want to bet?

    1. The teabaggers you now entertain, blaska, don't actually find your rants meaningful either, but using you as some type of reformed progressive (NOT!) is useful. You really degrade yourself when you grandstand for them because they still think you are nuts.

      Did you really think that if you started to, you know, teabag, that they would like you for servicing them?

    2. That was non-responsive to the question, probably for good reason.

    3. Yeah, the shooter was on extended supervision for bank robbery; as a felon, not permitted to possess a weapon, much less conceal carry. That law is almost a century old. Funny, that law still didn't stop him.

    4. Where did the shooter get the gun he shouldn't have had? Did he make it on a 3-D printer? Or did it come from a law-abiding, responsible gun owner who wasn't so law-abiding or responsible?

    5. So your answer is to take away the law-abiding person's handgun? How they going to do that? Police can't even take away the criminal's handgun.

    6. Follow the news before you criticize the police, in Milwaukee they seized around 1500 guns in 2014 and 2000 guns in 2013.

      The US is a high gun ownership country, with a high rate of death by gunfire, obscenely high compared to the other developed countries.

  8. Blaska, the always-wrong troll. We do not even know if the gun was concealed an there would have been a need for a carry permit. Your guess means little or nothing (well, the latter).

    repug pigs want there to be more guns, concealed or otherwise. You are trying to sound off here like you have made an important finding of fact. Nothing could be further from the truth (and you wouldn't know a fact if it was delivered via certified mail with a 6 foot identification label).

    Let's just get more guns out there, in the hands of men, women, children, animals, trees, flowers, other plants. It's what God intended which is why when you kill a person with a gun you go to the head of the line, skip purgatory, and take the brown-line express to heaven.

  9. "If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns. Because guns will be needed to disarm people. So, it's not that you are anti-gun. You'll need the Police's guns to take away other people's guns. As a result, you are very pro gun; you just also happen to believe that only Gvmt (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous...) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions." -- Stefan Molyneaux

    So when did all you Lefties become so stupid and complacent? Let the adults handle this. You petulant children have more than worn out your welcome.

    1. The "adults" who have run up record debt, a huge deficit, no jobs and armed a state full of loons?

      Thats funny

    2. Come on, blaska, sock puppets aren't allowed here and we all recognize your childish and irrational rants.

    3. This is NOT Blaska. Childish, irrational rants!?! From the side that skips work (if they aren't already professional Gvmt teat suckers) to scream a lie into a bullhorn until the batteries run out? From the side filled with revisionist historians?!? From the side that if they can't legislate, they litigate and if they can't litigate, they agitate!?!

      Yeah. You're all adults. Tell me again. Because if you repeat it often enough, according to Alynski and Goebbels, your HEROES, it somehow becomes the truth in your warped, twisted, paradoxically myopic world's.

    4. But I sincerely applaud David Blaska and his comments here. Because like me, he's not afraid to stand up the libturds. There is time for discourse, time for discussion, time for arguing, and yes, even time for cognitive dissonance. Where David and I draw the line, is arguing with the enemy. I have no problem with a difference of opinion, as long as it's based in fact. But when we are arguing with an idiot-ology that has based itself in a lie, well, you sink to the level of enemy. You have every right to be attacked! In fact, you should not only expect it, but get used to it. After all, you put this out there, so it's fair game for responses.

  10. Chrissy and WHAAAA-ska are doing what their wingnut welfare selves are paid to do.

    The real question is why any legitimate media would give them a megaphone to spout their crap

    1. You post that same thing over and over again. The media, blah blah blah blah...

      I get it. So does everyone else here. Do you have anything else to say?

    2. sick N tired of this country apApril 15, 2015 at 1:30 AM

      I agree, the broken record stuff should stop and Jake is the first to jump on others for it. WTF

    3. Jake, so where is your little rally at Milwaukee Journel Sentinel or whatever media you ate constantly complaining about. What's wrong with you anyhow? You flame others here for what you post here daily. Why are you all talk mo action but you think you can insult others who are actually fighting the media.

      With folks like you, it's no wonder we get crushed. But at least you told everyone else what to do.

    4. What the hell is wrong with you? Your projection act is so lame and childish.

      Can't you at least man up to put your name on your takes so the rest of us can ignore them? Sort of like how anyone with a brain should do with anything Schneider says

    5. Oh, your handle oozes enough testosterone for all. What's the matter, aren't you man enough to be called out when you flame others who you know nothing about, folks that are actually organizing action, so you can blog whore?

      It's true you insult others for the type of posts you make here daily.

      It isn't about manhood and such claims are the last resort of scoundrels. Surprise surprise! You don't play nice with other progressives and then pretend to be more manly!

  11. WHAAAA-$ka....what you do not get it the selfless hours spent reporting real issues. Dee Hall had an account to write checks during a caucus scandel. The current guv is caught red handed via JD1 JD2 emails and we get a "yeah....we may get our press passes revoked...." It'$ all B.S; and those who read the news, know it.

  12. From today's Milw J-Sentinel: "A stabbing, a shooting and a beating left three more dead Tuesday, continuing a deadly trend in the city this week."

    For God's sake, get the guns, knives and fists off the streets! I know the criminals will be first to comply.

    1. Blaska,
      You know damn well that the real Thugs are public school teachers. Kudos to you for stopping those dangerous people exposed to our children every school day.

    2. Mr. Blaska, where do the criminals get their guns?

    3. Mr. Anonymous: where do drunk drivers get their drinks? I know! Let's try Prohibition. Maybe it will work this time.

  13. The real issue here is the breakdown of the family along with mental disorders.....but hey, why go after the real issues?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. While I do think Schneider's comment is ludicrous ... (Really? Conceal carry training makes us safer? Just carrying adds to an unsafe atnmospher in my opnion.) ... I do think it unfair to pin this tragedy on him. Partisan hack he may be, but implicit in this tragedy, nope.

  16. Wow. I should really double check what I write. I promise I do know how to spell atmosphere and opinion.

    Oh ... "For God's sake, get the guns, knives and fists off the streets! I know the criminals will be first to comply."

    Come on Dave. I'll bet if the guy had attacked the victim with a knife or with his fists, the victim would likely still be alive.

    1. Nope, fatalities resulted from attacks by gun, knife, and fists (via bludgeoning) on the same weekend in Milwaukee.

  17. I misread your original comment, Dave, so touche. Nonetheless, I think random deaths from fists and knives as opposed to flying bullets are significantly less.
