Sunday, April 19, 2015

Go Fund Me, I am a Conservative Hypocrite

I have noticed an uptick in the number of conservatives using "GoFundMe" to raise money for their health care expenses. You know, the same people that came out against universal health care, a public option and the ACA.  They are now asking friends and neighbors to help bail them out. The same friends and neighbors that they rail against receiving a raise in minimum wage. The same friends and neighbors that they rail against to cut their public salaries. The same friends and neighbors that they rail against to stop from receiving health care for a pre-existing condition. How nice of them.   

Remember the, ”let them die chant’” during Ron Paul’s  2012 debate?  This is the same crowd asking others for assistance because asking for a common sense public system is so beneath them. 

I’m sorry you are sick and I mean that with all sincerity.  Years with back-to-back co-pays, prescription costs and other out of pocket expenses can be difficult.  It’s terrible to be sick and have to worry about money and bills isn’t it?  ISN’T IT?  Perhaps, this is a chance for you to think about what it must have been like for the millions of Americans that had no health care before the ACA.  Perhaps, this is a chance for you to think about our neighbors to the North that have no such worries.  


  1. The God of Scott Lucifer Walker's understanding is a very sick sick little monkey. Here's to hopin' all those teabaggin' crowd sources get stuck with bad checks and empty promises. We need to decrease the surplus population anyhow and it must makes sense to start with the mouth breathing Walker sycophants.

  2. So who is requesting funds.

  3. Conservative acquaintances and friends.

  4. Typublicrites. Typical Republican Hypocrites.

  5. Freedom is universal healthcare.

  6. Yeah, the true sign of an advanced civilization. .. the rich and powerful with their hands out begging, violins weeping in the background, the gullible working people emptying their pockets in "Christian" charity. Beats signing up for Obamacare.
