Thursday, April 2, 2015

We Need To Do Our Research!

By Jeff Simpson

When you allow the smartest among us, to do research,we have incredible breakthroughs and people(, me, our friends, family and neighbors) actually are able to beat diseases and live.

As seen on 60 minutes last night. researchers at Duke University, have started treating aggressive brain cancer with a version of the polio virus, and treating it successfully!

When we elect the people to govern us who are NOT the smartest among us, this is what we get:

In an interview last week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker fired a shot across the bow of academe. Defending his proposal to cut $300 million over the next two years from the University of Wisconsin (UW) System, Walker opined, “Maybe it’s time for faculty and staff to start thinking about teaching more classes and doing more work.” 
Apparently the researchers who are busy in the lab doing research and saving lives and eradicating disease are not working.   I wonder what Scott Walker thinks a full day of work consists of?

Or this:

 In the wake of Republican victories at the polls last Tuesday, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos opened another chapter in a contentious relationship with the University of Wisconsin System.
Vos said he wants university research to be geared toward helping the state's economy, "not on ancient mating habits of whatever."

Robin Vos will never be accused of understanding any topic he speaks to, but it is interesting that he speaks to helping the economy when research brings in a billion dollars a year and Robin Vos brings in failed marriages, forced ultrasounds and low wages.  

Gerrymandered districts or not, can we please STOP electing stupid people?

Image result for robin vos scott walker


  1. Of course the collective minds of Vos and Walker are unable to obtain any data that might inform them like, for example, Durham county, home to Duke gained 14,200 people in 2014 (as many people as all of Wisconsin), Wake County, home to NC State gained 23,667 people, and Orange County home to UNC, gained 1,100 people. In contrast Milwaukee county gained 20 (yes, twenty) people in 2014, Dane 6,700. That NC area is called "The Research Triangle" (it's on ALL the highway signs). NC apparently likes research, no so Wisconsin. But of course if you were to bring this up to a GOPer all they'd talk about is NC has no unions, low pay, so perhaps it's all for the best anyway. So as Wisconsin begins to depopulate (more than half the counties lost population) we can thank the dim wits in the GOP.

  2. It's a little off topic, but why was a troll posting about you selling Chinese shoes earlier, Jeff? I did some googlimg and found BC Sportswear.. is that you? Do you know how many of those oroducts are not made in the USA? You're hurting American businesses yet you act like you care about this country... I'm very confused by all this. - LynneInMilw

  3. While Vos and Walker say that they want more applied research and heavy teaching loads they are also cutting unique programs at UW System schools that do exactly that.
