Compare that to last week's Republican Convention where they have two living former Presidents(Father/Son Bush). When it came time to ask the Republican former presidents to speak...we get this!
He was not invited! It is almost as if he didn't exist(except for the plethora of Bush advisors now working for Mitt!
He's a good speaker and I was reminded why I voted for him. But he was wrong in saying that no president could have turned the economy around in just four years. Reagan did it. And he used an approach that looked much more like Romneys than Obamas.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back. Did your rock get kicked over?
DeleteNo reason to waste any more time with you.. Go wank somewhere else AZZHAT
So you're admitting that Romney would raise taxes on the middle and lower classes and run up the deficit at a greater clip than any other president next to Dubya?
DeleteNo I think Obama has that covered already. He said it himself, forcing every person in america to buy insurance is a tax. Now ask yourself who is the un-insured? The rich?
DeleteAnd I know you dont want to start comparing who ran up the deficit more, that would be foolish even for you.
Thanks youmustbe, I'll look forward to not hearing from you anymore.
Actually, the biggest cause for the deficit are the Bush tax cuts.
DeleteWe covered this already. According to your article CBO said letting them expire would bring in 1 trillion over the next ten years. That includes saved interest on debt assuming spending remains constant. So at best that is 100 million a year. What was the spending deficit per year under Obama?
DeleteNumbers really get in the way dont they? No wonder you like graphs better.
So what your saying is whats $ 1 trillion amongst friends???
DeleteI was wrong, 100 billion per year equals 1 trillion per decade. But that's the problem with trying to explain the deficit, the numbers are to large for most people to comprehend.
DeleteThe point is that it would take ten years of the increased revenue to even make a dent in this one years deficit. And that's if the revenue actually inceases.
reagan did not do it, reagan crashed it....did you pay attention 4 years ago when every sentence was started out with ...worst recession since 1982....
ReplyDeleteSo none of that was Carters fault? That's pretty funny. Truth is, Reagan turned it around and got re-elected. We can only hope Romney will be as successful as he was. Even Clinton said in his speech he started out with a far better economy than Obama did.
DeleteAs we saw this year in WI, getting re elected does not mean you turned it around, it means your message was better.
DeleteWhat crashed the economy was his massive tax cuts, which was acknowledged by his many tax hikes after.
the laffer curve really??? Art laffer has been almost as discredited as Paul ryan.....
DeleteYou know I've heard that many times. But I have yet to see it with numbers and statistics. The theory makes sense also. I have yet to hear a discrediting theory that makes sense.
DeleteUmmm just look at the economy the last 30 years...
Delete1982 ?? So by your comments of the last year about how the economy we have now was mostly Bush's fault then it would figure that 1982 was the the peak of Carters economy and Reagan was just starting to get it under control !!
ReplyDeleteIf you go by what Slick Willy said lastnight Reagan could not have fixed Carters mess in just two years !! You can't have it both ways Jeff !! Jerry Johnson
at Anonymous... your messiah Reagan did nothing to fix anything... he took you to a cliff and pushed you off... he was responsible for ensurin Saddam became a major player in his Iran/Iraq contra scandal.. actually I am going to save my breathe because regardless of what or how I explain it to you... Reagan was and will always be the chosen one... for the record his policies and actions of then those glorious days would make him a Democrat by todays standards... he was always a Democrat and flipped just shortly before running for POTUS.
ReplyDeleteMessiah Ronnie Raygun was a creation of G.E., the AMA and J Edgar Hoover. Not to be judgmental, but no doubt J. Edgar was the most powerful gay man in the history of the U.S.
DeleteGay Edgar Hoover did Ronnie Raygun's dirty work for years. I wonder if Ronnie was Gay Jay's butt puppet like Clyde was? I mean we already know he was Gay Jay's butt puppet, but I mean for real.