Today Joy Cardin of Wisconsin Public Radio, wanted to have a discussion about same day voter registration. When talking about voter registration in the state of Wisconsin, the go to person is obviously Andrea Kaminski.
Unfortunately Joy Cardin spoiled the show by bringing on (as counter point to the non partisan) Kaminski, hyper partisan Kevin Binversie.
That is like ordering generic potato chips as a side with your Filet Mignon.
Show can be heard here:
I wonder what Cardin has planned for tomorrow's show?
Dr. Oz and the guy who played Ronald McDonald discussing the 7 warning signs your body is aging too fast?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
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Because of this stupid attempt to not offend the right wing nuts I stop listening to and writing checks to WPR.
ReplyDeleteIt is a mere shadow of what it use to be.
Actually Joy did all of us a favor. Think, fresh air and sunlight.
ReplyDeleteActually I think it says a lot that none of the usual suspects were willing to step up to defend this stupid, stupid idea. I listened this morning. The best Binversie had was to pretend that same day registration somehow rewards "lazy" people (may I have a side of self-satisfaction and resentment with that?). No answer to the obvious practical problem that sometimes the voter lists fail to include already registered voters, and other voter roll errors. In the meantime callers leaped into the vacuum with suggestions for online voter registration and week-long general voting periods.
ReplyDeleteWe may be thanking Scott Walker in the end for opening this can of worms and then staking out such a transparently self-serving, unpopular and indefensible position. Just keep on talking, Governor. Voters just love to be insulted, and to have their options restricted.
I too listened to this morning's program. Binversie dissembled, danced around the questions asked of him, and generally failed to add anything of substance to the discussion. When not dodging and dancing, he simply repeated the usual tiresome conservative ideology. Unfortunately Kaminski seemed intimidated by him. And Cardin, in her usual fervor to be "fair and balanced," allowed him to frame and dominate the discussion.
ReplyDeleteI long for times past, when the venerable Tom Clark, who as an unabashed liberal, had a lovely and inexorable way of pinning disingenuous jerks like Binversie to the wall like a bug on a display board.
I was surprised to hear Binversie say that voters were lazy and that that was his main reason for wanting them to register early. Aren't these the same people that want to cut back on early voting?
ReplyDeleteThere is a strong streak against anyone who moves, either to an apartment, buys a home or changes their name or becomes a new voter. I thought Wisconsin was open for business. How do you attract people to a state that basically sounds like they distrust anyone who moves in? All this distrust of students voting. Are they not citizens? Doesn't their tuition help the economies of the cities and towns where they operate?
Binversie neglected to mention that clerks used to go to high schools to register voters who turn 18 and that was cut out of the budget.
Binversie also switched quickly from his idea that same day registering voters are lazy and unorganized to some vague idea about some centralized system that would make it easier to vote. I thought maybe he had spoken to different audiences before, people who agreed with him on the idea that "other people are lazy and they have to register to vote the same way I do".
I thought the caller who said she had registered to vote early and that other people should do so as well to sound elderly. Nothing wrong with her being elderly, but I bet she is retired and that is why registering is no big deal to her. She also mentioned that Milwaukee was the only place in the state with a problem, and I think that is an odd, possibly racist idea.
The League of Woman Voters lady was excellent, the callers were great and informed and Joy did a good job of interviewing the people who are pushing this idea and exposing their reasoning. They don't want same day registration because they think that people are lazy and shouldn't get to vote. They think voters cause problems. It is good to know they have such weak arguments.
You were not really surprised that Binversie did not bring anything to the table to advance the discussion were you?
Deletecheck his blog out and you would have known that from the beginning.
I had assumed that there would be a more educated reason given, or even an argument about it costing taxpayer money or something. So yes, I was completely surprised.
ReplyDeleteBut I had no idea who the guy was, until Cardin said who he was. I had no idea they were basing these things on other people being lazy.
Nothing educated comes from Binversie.....Also he is not basing it on anything he is just shilling for Walker as he is getting paid to do.
ReplyDeleteWell, I had never heard of the guy before and now I know this whole thing is malarkey.
DeleteWas there any mention that if WI does away with 'same-day' registration, they would be required by Federal law to implement 'motor voter" registration? Republicans don't much like that either.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely correct about Joy Cardin--the lightweight,lackluster leaker of WHAD. Tom Clark had a lively show worth listening to; she had a position in some way controlling of programming and hiring/retaining hosts. Dumped Clark and installed herself in the morning slot. She's, no doubt, also responsible for the placing of Ben Merens in the afternoon slot. He's in charge of making sure that certain big-time north-shore contributors are completely satisfied that there will never be an honest discussion of Israel and the Palestinians. He once cut me off with a denial that Israel is one of the few nations that is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. That guy's fund of information is close to zero.
ReplyDeleteI remember a day when WPR was a great source of information and honest discussion. Now they bring on professional liars like Binversie to provide balance. WTF happened to broadcast standards? It's a joke. The only programming I find worthwhile anymore are the UW Extension experts on insect control, gardening and lawn care. Hopefully they won't feel driven to provide balance on these topics by bringing on a Bible thumper to tell us how to pray away our problems.
ReplyDeleteCardin was director of the Ideas Network before Tom Clark left his early morning slot. It was my understanding that he retired, not that she replaced him involuntarily. Maybe I don't have all the facts. And I did not have the sense that Clark was being kept on any sort of a leash when Cardin was his boss. He was definitely his own man.