Governor Walker just awarded $350,000 in financial literacy grants to Wisconsin High Schools. While we at CogDis appreciate the extra money going to our public schools(we know they need all the money they can get), we think there is a better use for these funds!
We believe that the place where financial literacy is most needed is in the Wisconsin Assembly, especially on the republican side.
Exhibit A - Steve nASS:
Steve nASS as many people know made his original claim to fame, by fathering a child out of wedlock that he then refused to pay for!
nASS then in another cost saving effort, decided to bilk the taxpayers of Wisconsin tens of thousands of dollars. It seems that Mr. nASS has spent considerable time claiming he lives 52 miles from the Capitol instead of the 43 that he actually lives(The state funded reimbursement for Assemblypersons who drive to work(thats another topic), goes up considerably at the 50 mile mark. Apparently Steve nASS felt that he is entitled to every last cent he can wring out of the taxpayers of WI. Fiscal conservatism at its finest!
But wait there is more! Steve nASS collects full time pay + cadillac benefits for part time work. Allows his very well paid staffer to be unaccountable during the work hours and actually threaten democratically elected representatives. Uses his office to campaign, talk porn and hate minorities. Not to mention, almost single handedly trying to drag down the single biggest economic engine in the state of Wisconsin. nASS even tried to block the hiring of 33 new IRS tax agents, needed to crack down on tax delinquents. Despite the fact that we are missing out on over $900,000,000 in tax revenue(heck that would come close to covering the long term debt Scott Walker and his republican allies have left us) by not fixing these holes!
Despite the fact that his policies have been utter failures and he is incredibly immoral, Steve nASS feels that is the perfect combination that deserves a promotion. He is now running for State Senate.
Let's hope the people of WI have the bar at least set at "competent" which would end the too long political career of Mr. nASS.
Best place in the country to be a career politician republican legislator. Part-time work, full time pay. Not accountable for what you say or do. Build your career on hate mongering and bullying the UW system.