Mike Tate then:
Gang- I often promote the FB pages of all Dems running for an office, especially higher profile offices. More of a public service. Did the same thing in 2010, 12 and now. Not an endorsement. We promote Democrats running for office. If another serious candidate for Governor announces you’ll see myself and the party do the same thing. If you want someone else to run, go ask them to do so. Additionally there is no primary at this time and isn’t unless someone else enters it. So much as with Tammy Baldwin last year the party will promote Mary’s candidacy and should another serious candidate enter the race would promote that candidates activities too. Don’t remember anyone complaining about us promoting Tammy prior to her receiving full support of the party. No difference here.
Mike Tate now(emphasis mine):
A month before their annual convention, top officials with the state Democratic Party have officially endorsed gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke in her bid to challenge Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
The party's Administrative Committee voted unanimously on Sunday to back Burke -- a former Trek Bicycle executive and one-time aide to Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle -- over state Rep. Brett Hulsey in the governor's contest. The committee is the party's central governing body, meeting quarterly.
Hulsey, a Madison Democrat, complained that party leaders unilaterally made the decision to back his primary opponent rather than his underfunded campaign. The endorsement comes weeks before the Democratic Party convention will be held in Wisconsin Dells on June 6-7.
"Apparently, they prefer a selection to an election, which seems a little undemocratic to me," said Hulsey, a long-shot candidate for the state's top post.
Democratic Party officials have not even listed Hulsey as a candidate on their official website. He also is not being invited to speak at the convention.
Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate said it was an easy choice.
Overall message - Send us your money and Do NOT question us!
Do I support Hulsey? - No
Would Burke get the endorsement at the convention over Hulsey? - Yes
Currently Bret Hulsey is a Democratic Elected official, so now you see how you get treated if you stray from the reservation and WHY no one else was willing to step up to challenge Mary Burke.
Where is Donald Driver anyway?
Why Mike Burke and Mary Tate and a host of Democrats running state-wide will fail in Nov. They are doing nothing, as you suggested, to get out the vote. The political lines are mostly drawn, as most pundits will say, so inspiring turnout is key.
Hulsey is a Democrat? Only because the Republicans didn't want him.
ReplyDeleteIF he gets on the ballot as a Democrat he should be treated with respect by the Democratic party.
ReplyDeleteAs for "the republicans didnt want him", we only have Robin Vos word about that and we all know how much integrity robin vos has!
Mid-term elections have long had lower voter turnouts. The DPW hasn't done much to remedy that problem. This could have awful ramifications, since, if the Republicans retain Walker and majority control over both Senate and Assembly, we will likely see their move to ram right-to-work into law. That would be something that would raise Walker's star into the Presidential sphere.
ReplyDeleteWhen the DPW does little to stop this, you have to wonder what's gone wrong with our Party. Considering the damage Walker & Co. have done to our state, you would think that we would have a vast arsonal of issues we could use to attack them on, but is that message getting out there for voters to consider, and are the candidates even presenting the message?
Being bland, centrist and "civil" will not differentiate you from the extremist opposition we face.
For people to make the effort to vote, they need a reasoned, enthusiastic message that would make them believe they could replace the status quo and roll back the damaging policies they have managed to put in place.