Excuse me if this is nitpicking, but isn't the fact that he sent this press release from his campaign stating he wasn't going to campaign on Memorial Day, including information about how he is running for higher office and all the information about the district, in fact a campaign stunt, thereby cheapening the meaning of the day.“On Monday, the nation will pause to honor the soldiers in the United States armed forces who have so bravely fought for freedom and liberty for our great nation. We will pause to honor those who have served who are still with us and those who served and have since passed away. We will also pause to solemnly remember those who, in the course of defending our nation, gave the greatest sacrifice of all, their lives.
My campaign will also pause on Memorial Day. I’m honored to be invited to walk in the Memorial Day parade in Belgium as their State Senator, but I won’t be walking in any others and I won’t be handing out campaign literature or walking with a throng of supporters. The Memorial Day parades are to honor our veterans, not for campaigning.”
Then again, what do you expect from a guy who helped Scott Walker do all he can to disrespect and harm our soldiers in Wisconsin?
You are right, he is a lout like Louis Gohmert.