Anyone paying attention, has seen that the right wing Blargh o sphere is all over the "Story" that the protesters outside of Mr. Walkers house recently were actually protesting his parents.
Where in the world would they get such a silly idea?
Of course what do we look at first? Scotts' kid calling a bunch of concerned citizens peacefully protesting, a "mob",? No that kind of ridiculous rhetoric is what he has grown up with.· "Union mob protests at Scott Walker's parents' house" |
How about the fact that they peaceful protesters were NOT at "Scott Walker's parents house" they were actually at Scott Walker's house and his parents happened to be there.
Walker said during the interview that his parents, who are in their mid-70s, have lived at the house since he took office. He said Monday's demonstration didn't approach the "literally thousands of protesters" who gathered outside the house during the 2011 protests over Act 10.
Now I don't expect too much from the walker offspring, but to know where his parents live is kind of where I set the bar. Its unfortunate that Matt failed that one.
Matt never claimed to be an Eagle Scout so instead of teaching him how to tie a knot, his father has taught him how to master the art of deception and outright lying.
Unfortunately, that is an art form that will take you far in 21st century Wisconsin.
scott tweets his clean bathroom sink from the "family home," so maybe we need a clear definition of this family. Maybe taxpayers needed fund private security there if Walker is not there.
Anyone who has actually cleaned their house should be concerned about scratching the sink fixtures with an abrasive cleanser. This looks like a Paul Ryan moment cleaning the already clean community kitchen.
I feel for the kids...I really do! Maybe as they grow and mature they will form opinions and views of their own....We can hope for that, can't we?
ReplyDeleteSo now you figure it's appropriate for you to go after the Walker kids, Jeff? That's pretty low, even for you.
ReplyDeleteYeah because I'm sure you lambasted Fox when they went after Obama's kids didn't you?
DeleteIts not "going after he kids" I do not care what he kids do, UNLESS they insert themselves into the debate with a load of crap that gets picked up by numerous right wing looney sites.
DeleteWhich means that Matt inserted himself into the fray, I just shone a light on how he is truly his fahers son.
Homer, Homer, Homer... Matt Walker never said or reported "Union Mob Protests at Scott Walker's Parents' House". He's citing the title of the article at the link.
DeleteIn their Feb 16 tweets, both Alex and Matt refer to "protestors" at "their grandparents house".
Your entire nasty blog post is based on a false premise.
Boy you guys have serious reading comprehension problems.
DeleteIn the feb 16th tweet Matt refer to Protesters at their grandparents house. He is lying or really dumb because they actually were protesting at Scott Walker's house, his parents just happen to also be there.
Delete"Of course what do we look at first? Scotts' kid calling a bunch of concerned citizens peacefully protesting, a "mob",? No that kind of ridiculous rhetoric is what he has grown up with."
Did you not type this, Homer? Matt did not call anyone a "mob". And his grandparents DO live there. So what can you possibly be talking about?
Interestingly, Matt Walker has changed the tweet, is he being less than Eagle Scout honest describing who's home the protestors were at?
DeleteMatt Walker @Walkermatt16
'Protestors March on @ScottWalker's home' CORRECTION: protestors March on my grandparents home …
Just like his Dad, Matt Walker is as stupid as the day is long, not realizing that history is now captured in video, audio, and via the web in whatever form you wish. When will the republicans realize this fact?
DeleteI wasn't aware of that happening. Can you please post a link?
ReplyDeleteSure. Let me know if you want more, I can do this all day if you want.
No, I think you misunderstood. Please post a link to back up your assertion that Fox "went after Obama's kids". The links you posted are from people without any affiliation with Fox. I'll check back tonight.
DeleteHannity and Coulter have no association with Fox?
DeleteAffiliation, not association. Hannity obviously is a Fox employee, but Coulter was a guest, and at least in the link above was merely talking about going after the Obama kids in the manner of the left. The point of that exchange was to paint the left as so unprincipled that they go after kids of politicians. She wasn't actually doing it, unlike what Mr. Simpson is doing with his misquote and smear of Matt Walker.
DeleteI'll check back later to see how your rationalizations are coming.
DeleteHow does this work? Glenn Beck was employed by Fox in 2010. That would be the "affiliation" you mean wouldn't it?
DeleteWell look who never checked back. Spineless jelly fish.
DeleteHey, Jiffy.
ReplyDeleteDo you feel that libel lawsuit creeping up yet?
Getting scared?
All i can feel is the light of truth. Its funny how you cowards work so very hard to keep such incompetence under wraps.
DeleteI wondered who the coward was with anonymous silly threats, now im thinking its you jimmy.
To set the record straight: Walker's kids, are not "kids"; they are adults. They have inserted themselves in the political fray since day one. Fair Game.
ReplyDeleteWhile Walker's parents occupy his and Toni's house and call it "home", according to the Tosa Tax Assessor, 520 N 68th is not their house, thus taxpayers should not pay for state patrol "protection".
More importantly, they brought this evil man in to this world, and support his inhumane ideologies. They should be held to the same parental responsibility that Walker himself espouses that the poor and under-served parents should be held for their own children's short-comings, and societal "wrongs".
Will the Walker boys enlist so they can be boots on the ground in Syria?
ReplyDeleteNo, the apples certainly don't fall far from the Walker family tree. Perhaps the tweeting Matty Walker, leader of the UW-Madison College Rethuglicans, would like to share HOW he managed to get elected Governor when he went to Badger Boys State as a junior in high school. A rather novel campaign strategy, not unlike what his father did in his campaign for student body President at Marquette University.