Friday, February 27, 2015

Walker's Other Qualifications

Stemming from Scott Walker blowing the dog whistle for his extreme fringe base, came the following tweet by Thomas Schaller:

Now that's funny!

But that got me thinking that there could be a million of these that we could come up with.

Stuff like how Walker would be qualified to take on North Korean hackers because he once got his earbuds untangled.

Or how Walker would be able to take on Vladimir Putin because he saw all the Bullwinkle and Rocky episodes with Boris Badenov and Walker is almost as smart as Bullwinkle.

What others can you come up with?


  1. Walker is too easy. How about this:

    Cathy Stepp is qualified to manage our natural resources because the deer come in her yard to eat hostas.

    And please be a little more respectful of one of our most famous Minnesotans, Bullwinkle.

  2. Walker will defeat net neutrality because he once had a secret router.

  3. I dropped out of college because God told me I was destined to be the first president to stand up for dunces.

  4. I can take on the world because I have SUPERMAN pajamas

  5. This is terrific. Let him get drunk on his 15 minutes in the spotlight. He's already going Sara Palin.

  6. I can take on the holes (God made) in the ozone because my bald spot comes from hitting my head on a kitchen cabinet.

  7. I take an airplane from Madison to Milwaukee, therefore, I can bomb terrorists.

  8. Walker as president would stand up to ISIS because "We need a leader with that kind of confidence. If I can take on a 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world."

    Scott Walker (R, Governor of Wisconsin) made that statement in front of God and everybody.

    And he actually thinks he is presidential material...

  9. This is why you all belong to unions. No creativity. Walker jokes don't bother me. But dumb ones do. Humor isn't for everyone.

  10. Your the butt of the joke anon 1:01 and you don't even know it. I

  11. I was a eagle scout.....that qualifies me to be commander in chief.

  12. My daddy was a bookkeeper that lies about financial data and a preacher man! This makes me honest, even when me and my associates commit crimes.

    I am an Eagle Scout, for Christ's sake, now make me the KING OF THE WORLD!

  13. Need somebody to stare down that pinko-faggo Pope Francis? I is your man! Got booted from the University of Rome!

  14. If I can stand up to the terror of the Raging Grannies, I can strip ISIS of its collective bargaining rights!

  15. My name is Scott. Please go watch my youtube video where I teach radicalized #wISISconsin #Fitzwalkerstanis how to make #MazelTov KochTales

  16. My budget is bold enough to do what scared Mitt, and kills the commies Bert and Ernie. That commie Putin doesn't stand a chance.
