Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Other 5,929,000 Wisconsinites Still Have Their Sanity

Only 71,000 people have applied for concealed carry permits, per Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

B-b-b-b-but I thought this was supposed to be what everyone wanted...

I guess that shows why the Republicans never did a referendum on the issue.  They knew it would fail miserably.

Of course, it's already have the predictable results.


  1. Gee, Capper, I remember a few years ago, on anothe rblog- I think Boots and Sabers, you were bragging that you were for gun rights, you owned guns and that you supported concealed carry.
    I guess that because it is the GOP that passed the law, you changed your position.

  2. Gee, Dan, I did say I have guns (and still have them)but I was never for CCW. What I did say is that I never saw a need or felt a desire to carry them everywhere I go. But then again, being a lying little troll is about all Republicans like you are good for.

  3. Why yes, conservatives are ignorant lying little trolls, if you believe you are a member of the enlightened elite who should reign over all...

  4. Now criminals won't be the only ones with guns, they have been joined by the drunk., stoned paranoid, psychotic and delusional and the severely depressed. Not to mention those with anger management problems. It could be worse there only 70000 of them roaming the streets. Have a nice day.
