Friday, January 6, 2012

The Walker Budget Is Already Working! Part LIV

Scott Walker's budget continues to have its negative impact, even on the State Bar of Wisconsin:
Feeling the pressure of a difficult economy, the State Bar of Wisconsin said this week that it has eliminated nine jobs from its staff.

In a statement issued Thursday, State Bar Executive Director George Brown said that the nine positions were eliminated through a combination of voluntary retirements and layoffs due to a year-end deficit.

"Despite efforts to reduce expenses and increase revenues over recent years, economic realities necessitate more drastic cost-cutting measures to ensure the organization's long-term fiscal stability," Brown said.

The layoffs reduced the State Bar's staff by 10 percent, to 86 full-time employees.
No one is safe from the damage Walker is causing.

1 comment:

  1. Is this State Bar an establishment that serves alcohol or a group of Wisconsin lawyers?
