The following was from
a comment left on
one of Jeff's posts and I thought it post worthy (edited only to fit format):
Ode of the Teavangelical
I am a birther, a bircher, a modern flat-earther. I revile the Kenyan Obama & his Kansas-born mama. He produced a certificate finally, but never will he be American like me!
Since I bleed Tea, I reject any whose face, place, or prayer is foreign to me. Truth, logic, & science are an unholy progressive alliance. Justice, fairness, & reason are liberal acts of treason. I'd rather claw out my eyes than compromise.
I despise unions with Koch brothers passion. Low paid cops, teachers, & firefighters must be the fashion. My Rove-backed rage will soon end the minimum wage!
By judicial decree, a woman's choice, her body, will be policed and must submit to me.
Climate change is a joke & gays are an aberration. I prefer my place in big oil's yoke. How I miss segregation.
I insist on free market anarchy. Tax cuts for the rich, kill Social Security! Socialism is my nightmare. Gut the VA & Medicare!
I slam "Obammy" at every turn. On a cross, his presidency, I wish would burn! And, although my vote propelled Bush-for-brains to heights undeserved, I can't seem to remember,The eleven Trillion dollar debt handed off to Obammy, I ain't got the nerve.
God bless America! But, I am not keeper of my brother. All my failures, the fault of the illegal other.
Thanks to Rush, Fox, & the internets I think independently. I am no pawn, no rube, no ClownedByTheGOP. Birther, bircher, modern flat-earther, that's me.
More like a TeaHATIST
ReplyDeleteDon't know if it's a repost by the original poster or not. It's still really good and new to me either way. See and scroll down to this:
ReplyDeletePosted by: wi res Location: wi on Aug 23, 2011 at 05:57 PM
Ode of the Teavangelical I am a birther, a bircher, a modern flat-earther. I revile the Kenyan Obama & his Kansas-born mama. He produced a certificate finally, but never will he be American like me! Since I bleed Tea, I reject any whose face, place, or prayer is foreign to me....