Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Walker Agenda Is Still Working! Part CCXXVIII

Scott Walker's agenda of taking money from the people and giving it to the 1% continues with its predictable lack of success:
A BMO Harris call center in Monona will close by Oct. 10, ending the jobs of 32 people, the Chicago bank has told the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.

BMO Harris told employees in late February that it planned to combine call centers into two locations, in Brookfield and Buffalo Grove, Illinois, spokesman Jim Kappel said. He said nearly two-thirds of the workers at the office, 508 River Place, have found new jobs at BMO Harris or with other companies.

Kappel said the Monona office closing does not affect any bank branches and is not related to the layoff of 37 employees at the BMO Harris data center in Sun Prairie, a year and a half ago.
Do you think that this is why Walker is running so many attack ads on Mary Burke? He certainly can't run on his record.


  1. That's not even a blog. You doing okay?

    1. And where can we find your informative blog?

      I imagine some fo the new Walker document dump, if you aware of it, might be being studied by many bloggers right now.

  2. The Walker and Teapublican plan for Wisconsin's economy clearly is not working. I really don't think that living-wage job creation, as well as retention, were the real motivation behind this scheme. It never was.

    Also, just heard that the Sears store, with it's Auto Center at Fond du Lac Forrest Mall, are closing in November. 42 jobs gone.
