Thursday, December 8, 2011

Solidarity Rally This Saturday In Manitowoc

From the inbox:
Scott Walker’s anti-worker agenda seeps into private sector

Saturday rally in Manitowoc to send message: “An injury to one is an injury to all”

When Scott Walker attacked Wisconsin’s public employees, there was little question that his regressive policies would quickly bleed into the private sector. Now, a major Wisconsin manufacturer has taken a page directly from Walker’s playbook and attempted to silence the voice of its workers.

Stand with Manitowoc Crane workers this Saturday, and send a message that an injury to one is an injury to all!

Solidarity Rally for Machinists on strike at Manitowoc Cranes
Municipal Baseball Field, 2200 Grand Ave., Manitowoc
1:00 p.m., Saturday, December 10
Click here for more information and to RSVP

Manitowoc Crane has reversed course on over 60 years of a productive labor/management relationship by attempting to slip in contract language that would eliminate its workers’ voice on the job.

The language is the private sector equivalent to what Walker pushed in Act 10—requiring costly “recertification” votes of the union every year, and financially strangling the union by creating an “open shop” where employees can opt to enjoy the benefits of a union without ever paying dues.

On November 15, Manitowoc Crane workers voted 180-2 to reject this attack on their rights, and courageously went on strike.

All workers—public and private sector alike—deserve a voice in the workplace. By nearly unanimously voting down a contract intended to silence their voice, the workers of Manitowoc Crane have taken a bold stand not just for themselves, but for all working people in Wisconsin.

We knew that private sector employers would be emboldened by Walker’s attacks on workers’ rights. This Saturday, stand up for our Wisconsin by standing in solidarity with the workers at Manitowoc Crane.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the best for these guys.

    Manitowoc Crane already had the temporary workers lined up for jobs.

    Just like Mercury Marine and Andersen Windows.

    Those are the manufacturing jobs of the future, a few full-time people with as-needed temps.
