A sampling:
• The guarantee a child won’t be turned away – either at the door or sent back mid-semester. Voucher proposals will not require private schools to accept children
with disabilities.
• The guarantee to any special education or related services such as therapies or assistive technology. Even if a voucher proposal says an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be required and implemented, schools are not required to provide specific services or supports.
• The guarantee that a professional with training will support a child. Recent Wisconsin voucher proposals have not required qualified special educators or therapists to be on staff.
• The right to keep a child safe from harmful and abusive practices, like seclusion and restraint. These protective laws do not apply in private schools.
• All rights under state and federal special education law, the strongest education law in the world. If things go wrong in a voucher school, families’ only option is
to return to the public school.
Read the whole thing (in pdf form) here.
Thank you! For an additional perspective, there's an op-ed in the Cap Times from 3 parents (including myself), appearing in the print edition today.
ReplyDeleteWhy We Must Stop Special Needs Vouchers
And a press event coming up at the Capitol by our grass-roots family-run group, Stop Special Needs Vouchers, on Monday 2/18, 2:30pm, Room 330SW. Parents of children with disabilities from across the state will be introducing our children and sharing our concerns about what the vouchers would risk for students in Wisconsin.