Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cheater's Proof

In an overt attempt to disenfranchise voters, soon to be former State Senator Scott Fitzgerald thought he'd practice a little voter caging in an effort to have signatures disqualified by sending them postcards and saying that the signature was invalid if he didn't get the postcard back.

In his desperate bid not to face recall, further confirming the fact that he knows he's done wrong and has no confidence in his chances of winning, Fitzgerald challenged 88 signatures based on his voter caging scheme.*  However, council for the petitioners found that on at least 43 of the challenged names show that Team Fitzgerald contained names and/or addresses that were different than the ones on the petitions.

The petitioners' council also found that Fitzgerald also tried all sorts of desperate moves like lying about dates, thoroughness of completion, residencies and the sort.  When the petitioners lawyer eliminated his blatantly false claims, there were still more than 2,700 signatures.  And that is if the GAB accepts the rest of Fitzgerald's claims.

And for Fitzgerald's other ploy of desperation, claiming that the gerrymandering law that doesn't go into effect until November, if even then, should count now was proven to be plainly laughable.

No wonder Fitzie was damn nearly in tears on the senate floor earlier today.  He's watching his whole house of cards starting to crumble around him.  And the guy that Fitzie risked it all for, Scott Walker, won't lift a finger to help him or the other senators facing the recall by the people.

Or as Team Falk put it after the Fitz' snit fit:

The campaign of Kathleen Falk, Democratic candidate for governor and former Dane County Executive, released the following statements regarding state Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald’s attack against Falk during the Senate Floor Session this evening. 
Falk Communications Director Scot Ross said, “The Republicans are running scared about Kathleen Falk’s record of bringing people together, finding solutions and getting the job done. This desperate attack is proof Gov. Walker and his allies know Wisconsin has had it with his divisive agenda, failed policies and circling scandal. They know the election is coming soon where Scott Walker is voted out of office and Kathleen Falk is elected to bring Wisconsin back together.”
It also explains why the GOP is kicking out all the jams in their midnight attempts to grab all that they can.  They know their days in power are numbered.  It also shows their complete and utter lack of any sense of integrity.

*I encourage people that live in his district to contact GAB and/or their local district attorney and file a complaint against his illegal activity of voter caging.


  1. I really do not see why all the senators blindly followed Walker's non-sensical leadership on the Budget Repair Bill when it was clear at the time that Mr Walker was uncompromisingly willing to sell out any and every public employee to get his way...including the senators themselves.

    Just another tool in the toolbox. Luckily for my own sensibilities, I cannot think of any other senator that deserves the scrutiny soon to reign down upon more than Sen Fitzgerald.

  2. Right, and this leads me to believe they were being balckmailed, but, I do not pretend to understand the Republican party and their lock step, non-thinking style of voting.
