Recently, a judge ruled that any gathering under 20 was legal and did not require a permit, as Walker was demanding.
Now, one would think that Walker and company would move on and get around to retraining that laser sharp focus on creating jobs. But one would be wrong.
Walker's biggest beef is with the Solidarity Singers, a random collection of people who gather at the Capitol Building during the lunch hour and sing patriotic songs.
Walker's complaints against the Singers include:
- Disrupt people who stay in the Capitol over their lunch hour
- Scare little children
- Cause bodily harm
- Keep visitors from feeling welcome
The LRAD is designed to:
- Disrupt people who stay in the Capitol over their lunch hour
- Scare little children
- Cause bodily harm
- Keep visitors from feeling welcome
Here is a video displaying the LRAD in action:
Make sure you watch the video past the blast, particularly from about 3:40 on. It's beautiful.