Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thanks Dave!


By Jeff Simpson

Yesterday, Dave Blaska, part of the new era of "conservatives", felt that the best way to petition the government was ask for their permission to do so, THEN go where and when they were told, and sing their praises! Blaska, who the news shows could not give enough airtime too, was able to prove his points perfectly!  Unfortunately for Blaska, the point he proved was not the one he was going for!

Let's start with the arrest.

Photo: This man was arrested around 3:30pm EST in the Wisconsin State Capitol for holding a sign that read, "Article 1, Section 4." The sign said that, and nothing more.

Article 1 Section 4 of the Wisconsin State Constitution reads as follows: "The right of the people peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition the government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged."

Cognitive dissonance is dissonant.

This unnamed man was arrested for SILENTLY holding a sign that read simply - "Article 1, Section 4." 
Not only was he alone holding the sign, the letters on the sign did not reach the 20 member threshhold.  Yet he was arrested and hauled away in handcuffs.  YEs - HAULED AWAY IN HANDCUFFS.   Proving that what gets you arrested is NOT  not getting a permit but instead saying something that the PArty Leader does not want to hear(or read).  


Article 1 Section 4 of the Wisconsin State Constitution reads as follows: "The right of the people peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition the government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged."

Secondly, Blaska  tried to have radio personality Sly Sylvester arrested for asking him a simple question!

Dave how do you like your state funded pension? 

See Dave Blaska is a former elected official and state worker.  You pay his pension.  YOU pay for him to be able to run around the state and do childish pranks in the name of Scott Walker.  YOU pay for him to have numerous forums to talk about how horrible it is that YOU one day will be getting a pension!   Dave has never offered to give a penny back on his state funded pension, see unlike YOU he earned his.

Apparently once you take out a permit you decide who can and can not be in the Capitol and what they will be doing.  An hour's worth of power must have been all consuming for Blaska!  It is nice that we have three police agencies spending time at the Capitol, its not like they have anything else they can be doing.    It is more important that we keep the police in Madison to make sure Scott Walker or Dave Blaska's feeling never get hurt!   It's only tax dollars, its not like they have to pay for it!

Unforrtunately, the one person NOT arrested was this republican thug!  

As is the theme for this blog, BUT wait there's more:  While never being overly creative, the right decided the best way to prove a point was to sing thinly veiledracist hateful silly songs (badly I might add):

But WAIT, There's more.   It appears that Mr. Blaska was giving out twinkies to participants!  I will give Dave the benefit of the doubt in that I am sure he was making a political statement and not judging his peers.
 Blaska’s event lasted about a half hour, after which he handed out Twinkies to celebrate “American resilience.”
 Lets take a look at what Twinkies "celebrates", which is everything that the republican party loves!  

*   Corporate greed

*   Unemployed Americans

*    Misperception and Lies from the right to push an agenda

*   Corporations giving you less for more money

*   Jobs outsourced 

*   Sh*t food! 

I always say that when people tell us who they are, we should listen!

Yesterday David Blaska and the modern day Wisconsin "conservatives(term used very loosely)" spoke volumes!   

PS: Want to know whats wrong with Wisconsin?  Today on WKOW Wake Up Wisconsin, Blaska received about 6-10 minutes an hour of TV time, Wisconsin Ride for Kids was afforded a whole two minutes!  

Nuff' Said!


  1. We were there yesterday and what a pile of crap. The police chief took Blaska aside for a private talk with his arm around him to assure him that THEY were in control! I stood next to the individual with the sign. Two cops approached and told him to put it away or be arrested for disorderly conduct. He gave it to his friend who later displayed it and 3 cops hauled him away. I talked with him later and he said he wasn't cited but just taken to the basement to have all his data entered into their famous enemies of the Walker gang computer. While he was being arrested one cop was pushing away people attempting to take pictures. We went out to hear the Solidarity Singers and it was super up-beat and patriotic. While there we saw a lady who had been with Blaska's group throw a mostly empty plastic soda bottle in the direction of the singers and then try to get into a battle of wits with some on the fringe of the singers.Needless to say she didn't hold her own but was not smart enough to just walk away. In talking with a senior citizen who was present and marched previously in 2011, she said if Walker's police continue this tactic, once the students get back to campus things will not end well for Walker and his gestapo forces! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that once the group asks for a permit, it will be allowed maybe once or twice but then denied thereafter claiming disruption of government business. Some are now being cited and citations sent to their homes with no arrest or warning because they are known to the cops and their picture and profile are in the basement database. If one didn't know better it would be easy to assume that you had been sent back in time to pre-World War Two Germany.

  2. The number of people at the outside singalong was reported to be twice the size of what the access policy says needs a permit for outside events. That is, it was every bit as much 'in violation' of the policy as any of the inside singalongs have been.

    So how come no citations, etc?

  3. Robert Earle Shut the f@&%k up you asshole!!!

    1. I simply meant to point out the hypocrisy of the Capitol Police. They don't care about the permit per se; rather, they want the singalong moved out of the Rotunda. Permits are the pretense to do so. Just like 'holding signs is unsafe' etc etc.

      (One might also point out the irony of being told to shut up on a blog where the basic topic to 'freedom of speech'.)

  4. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. (sigh.) If a pension means state taxpayers are paying me to be conservative then does it mean that state taxpayers are paying the teachers to violate state law? You say the Slymer merely asked a question? No, he shouted it out. You may have missed it, but I was holding a sing-along, not a press conference. I do plead guilty to the Twinkies -- FOOD-LIKE SUBSTANCE OF THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION!

    A comment for Anonymous: thanks for demonstrating your the Left's idea of political speech.

    1. that would assume that you are conservative, which is why I prefaced it with NEW conservative. There is absolutely nothing truly conservative about the righties in WI!

      When did teachers violate state law?

      OMG I had no idea he shouted ....off with his head then!


      I agree he should have been arrested, I am quite certain the Founders never intended for anyone to shout!

      As for the twinkies, as I pointed out, there is probably not a better Anti-American example you could have used!

    2. When did teachers violate state law? When they didn't leave the Capitol as directed during the Siege of the Capitol. When they didn't get permit to hold an event at the Capitol. When they unilaterally closed down school. When they used taxpayer resources to campaign for partisan political candidates (as the Democratic recall candidate did in NW Wisconsin). Tell you what, Jeff. How about I come over to the next meeting of the Monona Grove School Board and begin shouting out questions? You good with that?

    3. when did the "teachers" not leave as directed? why didnt they get a permit because by Constitution, you do not need one. Used taxpayer resources? have a link?

      I think you get that confused with Scott Walker flying all over the country campaigning for president on our dime.

      Or maybe you mean that married Dennis Smith was having an affair with his subordinate using taxpayer funded cell phones and computers....

      There is so much not sure what your referring to.

      As for the Next MGSD meeting, see anyone is welcome. Its an open meeting, the reason you wont need to shout out a question, is because we would give you a forum.

      As you can tell by my two blogs, etc... I am open and accessible to the public. Anyone has a problem with what is happening they can get ahold of me and I will answer their question. Unlike any of our state elected republicans.

    4. Whaska needs to use his government healthcare to take care of his overinflated ego. Doesn't take much to be a Walker apologist especially when you enjoy the taste of whipped animal fat and cream in your mouth. We know you love Walker's twinkee you prove it every time you come here to sing us the ode of your secret love affair. Russell went to jail so Scooter Pooter had to find a new lover to swing on his nuts.

    5. A Twinkie for your thoughts, Anonymouse at 12 a.m.

      Jeff: Have the We Got a Permit singers ever disrupted the Solidarity Sing-Along? Ever shouted out questions?

    6. That is my point in why in the hell anyone would allow you on any of their news shows is beyond me. Do you know anything thats happening in this state? No wonder you think Walker is the king.....you have no idea whats happening in WI.

      You must be who Nate Silver is talking about I would guess.... http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/nate-silver-most-political-pundits-are-completely-useless

      As for have the singers ever been interrupted?

      a basic understanding of wathcing the news and reading a paper and 3 seconds on Google would give a resounding YES!


    7. Do you approve of Mr. Zien's interruption? You approved of the Slymer's interruption. Did the Capitol Police discourage Mr. Zien? If yes, then why should the Slymer be an exception? As to my knowledge of Wisconsin, a quick quiz -- it's pass/fail:

      1) Did Scott Walker win his recall election in 2012 by an a) greater percentage of the vote or b) a lesser percentage of the vote than he received in 2010?

      2) Wisconsin has one county: Dane County. True or False?

      Jeff, you can do it. You're on a school board!

    8. Blaska, that is one dumb post.

      Do you care how much out of state billionaire money was spent for Walker in the recall campaign? Do you realize that Milwaukee County, where Walker was once county executive, voted decisively against him?

      Do you care that Walker and the Republicans are being corrupted by out of state billionaires? Do you realize that corrupt politicians do not work for the interests of the majority of their constituents?

      How much of the cut of the action are you getting?

    9. David,

      I am going to have charge you tutoring fees. Seriously do you know anything that has happened in WI?

      What Zien did was not equal to sly asking you a question, Zien did not get any attention from theCapitol Police and when he went into the assembly after received a standing ovation.

      Please, I think we are alittle advanced for you on this blog....your trying to compete in Wi politics graduate course and you dont even understand Wi politics 101 ....

  5. It's always a pleasure for those of us (productive adults) who live in the real world to see the liberal freaks of Madison in an uproar. Nothing makes me happier than seeing some tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, granola-munching dope with his ponytail in a knot. Your screams of outrage are music to my ears, as you are a cancer on society. Get a haircut, take a bath and get a job, you pathetic loser.

    1. Wow! A new record in the category of "most lame Madison stereotypes crammed into a ruling, pointless screech by 262 trailer trash!" Well done, little guy!

      Sincerely, a short-haired Madison taxpayer who's dealt with the "real world" more than your mediocre ass ever will

    2. I know what is it with Whaska and his inability to hold a real job and pay taxes? I'm so sick of this parasite scum leeching off of us taxpayers. Not only does he need to learn what real work is like, he needs to get in the gym. Feasting off food stamps while the real workers who wouldn't accept a handout bust our ass. He just sits on his and wastes oxygen in front of his computer. Must be nice to be a Teahadist sympathizer scumbag who doesn't have any real priorities in life.

  6. Uh, David, I think that Anonymous posting at 1:04PM was one of the 22 people who attended your "permitted" sing-a-long.

    How do I know this?

    Well, the language in his post was the same language he used while he screamed at an 80 y/o lady who was wearing a shirt he didn't agree with. Must be a friend of yours b/c he spews the same hatred as you do David.

  7. When someone says "Twinkie", I always think of Jeff Simpson, but not because of this column. 'nuff said.

    1. Uh, we speak English in these parts, not TeaBag. You'll have to explain your Phallic reference to us.

      Oh, and preferably not be anonymous this time, little guy. You're not gutless, are ya?

  8. you guys wow me with your creativity

  9. (sigh) why is following the rules so hard? I thought we were a country made up of laws? laws=rules, no?

  10. Speaking of obeying rules, Blaska once did a test drive of a Mazda Miata for a story in the Capital Times. Unbeknownst to the newspaper and the car dealer, his license was under suspension for OWI. Oh yes, obeying rules has always been his top priority.

  11. OMG !! Jeff Simpson!! Is this the same Jeff Simpson that is a member of the Monona School Board ? I am not sure what it must be like to wake up everyday living the life of the aggrieved but it must really suck for your family and friends but then your family has no choice and you probably don't have any friends too speak of. It is sad that Mr.Simpson and his ilk can't simply get over the election loss and gear up for the next election. I would think that if their ideas and agenda is what the majority of Wi. voters want then they will succeed but you see leftists don't take defeat easily and must cry foul like the little spoiled brats we have come to know.Liberals and leftist have been getting their way for the better part of 5 years now nationally but in this middle of the Nation enclave known as Wisconsin it hasn't been so easy for them to get their way so like the spoiled brats that they are they just whine and moan and form the haggard group of Solidarity Whiners but is anybody really listening other than themselves ?I think the people of Wisconsin are listening and they are kind of sick of it.

    1. Punctuation is your friend. Use some.

  12. Yes your ideas are so immensely popular that you have tp spend hundreds of millions of dollars campaigning on things you never do. You are so immensely popular that you have to redistrict to pick your voters so you dont get thrown out. You are so immensely popular that you have to keep making it harder and harder for people to vote because you know the less people vote the better your chances! You are so popular that people show up o protest you every single day of the year and everywhere you go.

    yes if only I could be that popular.

    1. Nothing is more sad than a self-loathing liberal spreading the poison of his moonbat political point of view. So sad.

    2. actually an anonymous right wing troll who is incredibly uninformed and undereducated with delusions of grandeur beats it every time.

    3. Can anyone name the 4 incorrect assumptions made by Simpson Smurf in that last post? Anyone?

  13. Hmmmmmmm, Seems Govenor Walker recieved more votes the 2nd time around than the 1st time around Mr. Simpson and this after all the belly aching the left could muster in between so keep dreaming about being remotely as popular because you are bound to wake up sooner or later....or not !

    1. Guess what?

      I woke up.

      I'm not a Liberal and I voted against Walker.

      He does not have any integrity period !!!

      As if you would know what the word means.

      People who voted for him are the fools.

  14. Blaska looks like a slob. Miserable slob looking for attention.

    1. Actually, needy and weak slob is what comes to my mind. Fitting of someone who's never gotten a job that didnt involve kissing major GOP ass.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Dave Blaska's own wife is a retired public school teacher. You would never guess that based on how much he maligns teachers and their unions.

    1. Are you say Blaska is married to a THUG!?!?!

      Does he have a warm sleeping bag for those cold nights sleeping in the yard?

    2. My wife is not a retired public school teacher. She took her degree in business administration. She has never taught school. But here's a news flash (are you sitting down): there are a lot of excellent teachers out there who are not enamored of the teachers union.

    3. here is another news flash, if they dont like the union they dont have to be in it!

      here is another news flash, and this number is considerably higher, there are many amazing teachers that are proud to be in the union also!

  17. Who is David Blaska anyway?

    And why all the attention?

  18. Whaska needs to lay off the twinkies and get a fucking job. Quit notching off us hardworking taxpayers. Maybe if he took care of his family like a real man and stopped whining like a itty bitty loser his wife would love him again and he wouldn't have to suck off Walker to get his kicks. Parasite scum.

  19. Wow and the crybaby posts as anonymous and his name within minutes of his last post. Like that isn't obvious. What a loser.

    1. I see you use your correct name,


      Something you should be.

  20. Replies
    1. Married 39 years. You?

      Would you like a Twinkie?
