Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Paul Needs Our Help

By Jeff Simpson

Paul Ryan (R- Wall St.) just signed a book deal to discuss the "state of conservatism".  How paul ryan is qualified to talk about conservative values is anyone's guess, but I guess anyone can write a book


So let's help our fellow Wisconsinite by suggesting relevant book titles for him! 



  1. Punishing the Poor, Rewarding the Rich: Ayn Rand's America

  2. For Me, But Not For Thee: Conservative Values in Modern America.

  3. Art of the Fake Photo Op: Diary of a Mad Dishwasher.

  4. Integrity,

    A word unknown.

  5. Let Them Eat Cat Food

  6. It's Mine, Mine, Mine -- Conservative Ethics in Practice

  7. The Great American tax dodge. READ IT PAULY !
    Tea Party Fairy tales.. Read it Pauly !
    Wrapped In The Flag.. Read it Pauly !

  8. Paul Ryan: The Master of Bait and Switch Politics

  9. What not to Wear (Sequel to "Pumping Iron for Nerds"). The black gloves are a bit over the top for a game of flag football (no one else is wearing them). Mr. Ryan seems to think of himself as a hip "jock" when in fact, young people snicker at his goofiness (which is probably why the video of his 2012 "pep talk" to the Miami of Ohio football team was taken down so quickly!)

  10. Ryan wears the gloves because he has tiny, soft girlie hands.

  11. Atlas Through the Looking Glass: Redefining (and redrawing) reality- serving narcissism, greed, and the 1%

  12. Maybe the libraries in Ryan's district and throughout Wisconsin can run a special series on Paul Ryan's favorite author, Ayn Rand, complete with video clips of Ms. Rand. Can you imagine what the reaction might be?

  13. The Tealiban in the Land of Milk & Money: How I Became a Darling of the Christian Right By Becoming Raygun.

  14. Tea-totin Parlor Tricks to Teach You Tormented Tax Tactics.
