Sunday, September 29, 2013

Solidarity Sing Along - Milwaukee Style

As advertised, AFSCME District Council hosted a fundraiser for the Solidarity Sing Along on Saturday.  The purpose of the fundraiser was to assist with legal costs, open record requests and other necessities for the people that would participate in the Solidarity Sing Along in or around the Capitol Building, who are being made political prisoners by presidential wannabe Scott Walker and his henchmen.

The turnout was good and we netted more than $4,500 to help with the fight against their political persecution, the most raised by a single event for the Sing Along.

Here are some pictures that I took of the day's event:

There is no mistake where the union stands.

The official SSA t-shirt

Lane Hall of the OLB and Trenchant "I solemnly swear I am
up to no good" Tracey

Get yer SSA t-shirts and bumper stickers!

Intermission between singalongs

DC 48 Executive Director Boyd McCamish
speaks to the crowd.

Rep. Evan Goyke prepares to speak to the group.

The ever fabulous Kelly Albrecht

Sing Along!

Unintimidated: The Book
Coming October 31st

Rep. LaTonya Johnson and some union thug.

Marty Beil tells us how to be a union thug.

It's Milwaukee! Gotta have the brats!

But we also have a taste of Madison with Ian's Pizza

Those dreaded union bosses: Biel, McCamish and
Phil Neuenfeldt of the AFL-CIO



  1. I'd like to get one of those T-shirts. Any idea who I need to talk to?

  2. Great post, great photos.

  3. Chris, post your question on the Solidarity Sing Along Facebook page and someone should have an answer for you.
