Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mandela Barnes For Governor

By Jeff Simpson

Everyone knows that the Democrats do not have a candidate yet for Governor.  Some people think it is a good strategy to wait as long as possible to declare, and some of us think that we need to get candidates out early talking to voters since we have a decided money disadvantage.   

However I think we are missing the boat on potential candidates so let me bring one to the forefront!

Mandela Barnes for Governor

 Mandela Barnes was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and graduated from John Marshall High School. He went on to attend Alabama A&M University and after college he became an organizer and moved back home to Milwaukee. He had served in a number of capacities before being elected, including the Mayor's office and as a youth and workforce development specialist. In 2012, he was awarded with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's "Grassroots Organizer of the Year" award.

On November 6th, 2012, Mandela was elected to represent the 11th Assembly District

Plus, Representative Barnes has been there.  He has spent time on Food stamps and has not forgotten!

State Rep. Mandela Barnes (D-Milwaukee) says he keeps a reminder of his days receiving food stamps.

Barnes was interviewed last week by liberal Madison-area talk show host John "Sly" Sylvester about statements made by state Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend), who said food stamps were making some young people dependent on government.

"When I was on food stamps, I had a job. And I tell people that all the time. I am not ashamed to say that there was a time where I received food stamps," Barnes said on WEKZ-FM (97.3).
"I still have my Quest card, actually, in my bathroom, so when I wake up and brush my teeth in the morning, I'm reminded it was not that long ago that I was in that position.

"That's why I feel my opinion is very valid.  I was employed when I received food stamps. My hours were cut at the job that I was working. And the funny thing is, the place I worked provided job training, which is the irony of it all."

Listen to his interview with SLY here


  1. It's more likely that Barnes will run for Milwaukee County Executive than he would for governor. He'd be perhaps the strongest candidate that progressives could run against Abele.

  2. Jeff, your punishment is to write 1,000 times on the blackboard: "Everyone does NOT know."

  3. There is a candidate? I just checked yesterday and no one had filed papers yet!

  4. Tammy Baldwin WON in our state, against Tommy and all his money. Wisconsin is not divided on the SO CALLED GOP ISSUES, it's divided on WHO is the one to stand up for the people. We need a real progressive candidate that is going to stand up with the people, and not allow the corporate interests to move freely in our state against the people's will.

  5. Jeff, there are two Democrats who have gubernatorial campaign committees registered with the GAB for the 2014 election: Hariprasad Trivedi, who ran as an independent in the 2012 recall attempt against Walker, and Marcia Mercedes Perkins, who I know absolutely nothing about. http://gab.wi.gov/sites/default/files/page/candidates_registered_08_12_14_partisan_primary_a_17357.PDF
