Negotiations between the union at Serb Hall and management continues. Due to the rules of collective bargaining, they cannot give Pacific details, but I have been told that they have made some progress, but there are still a number of sticking points that is making it slow going.
But still, the fact that management has sat down at the negotiation table again, instead of just trying to bust the union, is significant progress.
And as they continue to come to a contract, we will continue to show our support for the unions by following these five simple steps:
- Go to Serb Hall in Milwaukee anytime between 11:30 am and 9 pm.
- Tell the host you want a union table - the servers are usually Michelle, Victoria and Sandra
- Enjoy a fish fry or buffet
- Leave a good tip and make sure they know it's in support of the union workers
- Move along so the other union supporters can get their fish fry on too.
We are hoping that Randy Bryce will be back from the Vatican - where he is demanding a recount - by Friday so he can join us.
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