Thursday, August 30, 2012

Merry Christmas 2008

FU Paul Ryan and your band of blind followers!


  1. So the plant closed down immediately after rolling their last vehicle off the line?

    Have you ever been in, or driven past, an automotive production facility? It's not like closing up a lemonade stand.

    You realize that the plant continued to operate and employ people for months afterward, right? And that Obama promised it would run for another 100 years if he won the presidency? And that Ryan said that the people of Janesville knew the plant was on the way out, when Obama made this promise?

    1. Walker promised 250,000 jobs, too.

  2. Pasta give me a break.

  3. You're contradicting yourself. First you argue that it stayed open, then you say it was already a done deal when Obama made his promise.

    Either way it was a done deal before Obama took office, and while Bush and Ryan were in charge. Obama may not have been aware that the closing was already a done deal but his auto bailout sure saved a lot of other plants from closing. So not sure what your point is... that the plant closing was already a done deal under Bush/Ryan I guess?

  4. Why was Walker suggesting that if Romney's plan had been followed then the plant would stay open? Did Romney have a stimulus plan in place at the time? Was he against the stimulus? If so, then what about Michigan? Are they also supposed to wish that GM had gone under?

    1. Walker was just doing his usual crap of yammering senselessly and telling lies, knowing that the majority of those who follow him and vote for him are too lazy and stupid to fact check anything he says.

  5. This has to be one of the most hateful myopic blogs in cyberspace.

    Why aren't ya'll in charge if everyone else is so FU'd up?

    1. We're not in charge because we don't have enough money to buy elections.

  6. The retired workers in Janesville ARE thankful that the auto bailout occurred because without they wouldn't have a pension to speak of.
    Bush's administration praised GM for the decision to close plants. Ryan, Feingold, and Kohl wrote to Bush begging him to do something when it was announced. It closed in December 2008, Obama was sworn in January 2009 and hence the name Lyin' Ryan!
