Unsurprisingly, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel doesn't cover even a fraction of the story with this little blurb:
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and talk show host Chris Matthews mixed it up Monday on MSNBC, with Matthews accusing Republicans of "playing the race card" in campaigning against President Barack Obama. Priebus, Wisconsin's former Republican Party chairman, said he and other Republican leaders have chastised "birthers" who have questioned whether Obama was born in the United States. He added: "But I think Obama's policies have created a sense that for whatever reason, he's looking to guidance as far as health care is concerned, as far as our spending is concerned, as far as the stimulus packages are concerned, he's looking to Europe for guidance."Not one mention of the fact that Priebus was calling racist comments as "moments of levity" or the fact that Matthews laid the smack down by pointing out the long line of presidents who had pushed for health care reforms.
But remember, they are the "liberal" media.
Lawrence O'Donnell made a good point tonight, or rather a "well known comedian" made the point to O'Donnell and he relayed it to his audience.
ReplyDeletePeople laugh at jokes. The people in the audience at the Romney rally didn't laugh, they cheered.
I have to ask, what does the birth certificate issue and the comment about the work requirement for welfare have to do with race? Which person is trying to play the race card here?
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this:
And looking at last Fridays ratings it seems that the public is showing what they think of Chris Mathews.
Maybe if you'd pay attention, you'd be able to honestly answer your own questions.
DeleteI saw Jeff's writing, the strongest evidence of racism was the bumper sticker picture he included. But again, that had nothing to do with these issues.
DeleteAm I to believe that the only people on welfare are black? Or that because of his skin color, people think he isn't born in the US? Those assumptions would make me a racist, but those are the assumptions that you put forward by making the racist argument based on these issues. I'll tell you who is racist, and its not Priebus.
It was my post, not Jeff's. Then again, I'm not surprised by your confusion. All that circular thinking must leave you awfully dizzy. Or are you now disowning Reagan? He's not conservative enough for you?
DeleteSorry, you can have the credit for that flaming terd!
DeleteThose were questions, not assumptions. As far as Reagan, even Wikipedia doenst call his term racist, they use this definition of welfare queens: "poor mothers, with studies showing that it often carries gendered and racial connotations"
And now we know who is giving it racial connotations. Unless your answer to my questions is no. But that would make your accusations rather pointless then.
*using Wikipedia has more than a reference source
*denial is not just a river in Egypt
I've noticed you turn to corrections when your arguments get thin.
DeleteI do appreciate you engaging though.
you must live in a bubble racist. i am 55 years old ,half hillbilly and half yankee raised on the mean streets of chicago.
Deletei know what work requirements and welfare cards mean as well as the birther(swift boating) comment means.
it means "BLACK PEOPLE".you are either naive or stupid.
guess where reagan announced his candidacy for president at in 1979 ?
philadelphia,mississippi---the birthplace of the klu klux klan.
which person is trying to play the race card. you are a joke. as well as prince rebus.
this is the eagle reporting from free america.
It doesn't matter if he gets 6 viewers and gets nipped in the ratings by Lou dobbs, his dressing down of priebus was awesome and on target.
ReplyDeleteThats fine, just don't assume your opinions the majority opinion anymore. I thought he was kind of childish, but that's me.
DeleteDon't underestimate how many of us there really is.
DeleteThats true, in Chicago even the dead vote Democrat.
in florida the republicans stopped the recount in 2000.
Deletedead people voting in chicago was 60 years ago racist.what timeline are we dealing with in this debate ?
the republicans in the jim crow south only let white people vote.that was under 60 years ago.
Walker has his zombies and his ghosts in the electronic voting machines.
DeleteWhich "Europe" do these Republicans refer to when they use the Europe Card to bash Obama? Merkel's Europe? Thatcher's Europe? Sarkozy? There have been some very conservative European policy makers, and it is pretty insulting to use an entire continent as an example and expect your people to sheepishly go along with it.
ReplyDeleteAs spot on as Matthews was he missed two other opportunities: Obama did not get his Affordable Care Act from Europe but rather from Massachusetts and Governor Romney; and the law is not called Obamacare -- that is what the republicans have labeled it.
DeleteLoved watching Priebus squirm and pout.
The most pathetic thing about this is that Priebus and the Republicans actually seen to think that "Europe" is a country that is governed by the same political party.