UnitedHealthCare says it plans to end its contract with the state of Wisconsin to manage care for thousands of people on BadgerCare Plus.What a swell guy - a real man of the people...as long as you consider corporations as people.
BadgerCare is 1 of the state's Medicaid programs. UnitedHealthCare is the largest of 4 organizations that won contracts with the state in 2010. It oversees care for 174,000 people in southeastern Wisconsin.
UnitedHealthCare says its decision is based on the state's declining payment rates. The state Department of Health Services says the rates are recalculated each year to account for medical costs.
But this story has two kicks to it.
The other comes from the last paragraph of the article (again, emphasis mine):
Department spokeswoman Stephanie Smiley says those people whose care is currently managed by UnitedHealthCare won't be affected by the company's decision. Smiley tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the state will pay hospitals, doctors and other health care providers directly, rather than through UnitedHealthCare.So if the state is able to do the job, why is it squandering money on a private agency to do the work?
Getting 'savings' from lowering payments to providers is all part of Dennis Smith's plan to FUBAR Badgercare and throw people to the insurance companies that help pay for Scott Walker's campaigns.
ReplyDeleteIf it frustrates people and keeps them from getting checkups they need, all the better. They truly don't care about the results of this slow destruction of services. Afterall, being in the top 5 for having your people insured is an overrated stat, right Wisconsin?
Yep, agree 100%.
ReplyDeleteDennis Smith comes from Heritage Foundation, and has written about getting rid of Medicaid. He, like Scotty are wanting to repeal the Obama health care reform, enacted as law. Walker's not implementing the state exchanges, as required in the law.
I applied for BadgerCare a while ago: no help there now that Scotty's in office.
This UnitedHealthCare move is part of doing an end run around the Obama law, at taxpayer expense.
The office sends out periodic letters on "how to get a job" and will literally send dozens of letters stating that some piece of paperwork is missing. On the local level, it's all good, but something in Scooters office is either Winkish or seriously just set up to mess with people.