Sunday, August 19, 2012

Paul Ryan Loves Women

As long as they are very rich blondes who have family money and do not have their own opinions.  Other than that, not so much!   

Paul Ryan (R Wall St.)'s good friend, Todd Akin gave an interview recently where he showed off his incredible medical knowledge...

Yeap He rally said that!
“People always try to make that one of those things, ‘Oh, how do you slice this particularly tough sort of ethical question,” Akin said. “It seems to me, first of all, what I understand from doctors is that’s really where—if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
Wait how do we know Akin is good friends with our very own Paul Ryan? They co sponsored a bill together - No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, (Edit note: of course its already illegal for taxpayer money to be used to fund abortions but that is another post). yes if that bill rings a bell, it is because paul ryan helped redefine abortion as you needed to be "forcibly raped" to consider having been raped.
Under H.R. 3, only victims of “forcible rape” would qualify for federally funded abortions. Victims of statutory rape—say, a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 30-year-old man—would be on their own. So would victims of incest if they’re over 18. And while “forcible rape” isn’t defined in the criminal code, the addition of the adjective seems certain to exclude acts of rape that don’t involve overt violence—say, cases where a woman is drugged or has a limited mental capacity. “It’s basically putting more restrictions on what was defined historically as rape,” says Keenan.
So for those of you scoring at home:
If your a woman in 2012 America under Paul ryan (R - Ayn Rand), you can have access to needed health care services, as long as your rape was legit imate, and you were forcibly raped. Any other kind of rape and your on your own. Of course that is AFTER you have a transvaginal ultrasound forced upon you.
Lets hear it for the small government conservatives!!


  1. I'm going to preface this with my personal opinion on current politics: I fucking hate republicans.

    Now that we have that out of the way... What the fuck is this article? You have one person who says one thing, then tie in Paul Ryan, who hasn't said anything of the sort, by saying they sponsored a bill together?

    You're embarrassing our party. Do not stupe to republican levels and try to make something out of nothing.


    Please, if you are going to write, write well.

    1. Don't see any connection between the mentioned facts and the co sponsorship of the bill referred to?

      If it has nothing to do with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, then why have they already issued statements such as they did? In actuality what has caused the trouble is that Akin accurately describing the views behind the Republican parties position.

      Isn't there some way to blow up the letters of your comments to fill the screen? THAT WOULD MAKE FOR MORE EFFECTIVE SHOUTING ON THE INTERNET OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

    2. Interesting that you validate your comment by showing how close minded and how much of a bigot you are.


    Jeff, how could you? Accountability is just for the little people, not a great man, like Paul Ryan.


    Hey 12:06 and 12:52, is this the Romney Ryan response you referenced?

    "Governor Romney and Congressman (Paul) Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," Romney spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said.

    Doesn't say anything about who pays for the procedure. What say you?

    1. Why is the government all of a sudden on the hook to pay for rape victims? Do we pay for victims of any other violent crime? Or is this just an effort to make Romney/Ryan look anti women?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The use of vulgar language makes your comment even more trivial. Maybe someday you will grow up and start paying taxes.

    4. Um, yeah. I don't want the personal attacks or the gratuitous vulgarities in the comments. IMBAR is wrong as usual, but that doesn't mean that he shouldn't get a modicum of respect.

      As for IMBAR, yes, we do pay for victims of other violent crimes. Prime example: We pay for foster care, therapy and other services for children who are victims of abuse.

    5. I can see the argument to take care of children, especially when the abuse is coming from their parents.
      Adults? not so much.
      I also worry that the government has more or less stepped in to be the father figure for most poor kids. I know to many single mothers that continue to have kids because the state will step up and help her raise them.

    6. IMBR....I am curious, who do you think should help pay for the victims of violent crime????

    7. Oh they pay for adults too. Except in Sarah Palin's Wasilla, the public pays for rape kits, murder investigations, hospital bills for victims of crimes who are without insurance, police, courts, jails, etc.

    8. Unless, of course, you believe in pixie dust like most Republicans do.

  3. Thanks John I hadnt seen that yet. Its nice to know that rmoney/rayn do not think you have to be legitimately raped....just forcibly raped....

  4. Imustberacist- Why assume the government is on the hook to pay for a raped victim's abortion?

    It's the attempt to make abortion for someone who's been raped illegal that is the issue at hand. Not who pays for it.

    Please re-read the above post. ie: the editor's note. (Edit note: of course its already illegal for taxpayer money to be used to fund abortions but that is another post).

    1. It was a reply to the comment above, not the article. Thank you for pointing that out.

  5. Hey Imustberacist.

    I do want to know your reaction to the entire Republican establishment throwing Akin under the bus.
    Specifically: Should they do this? What should be the reaction of the grassroots to this?

    Bonus followup: If Akin were to withdraw early would that constitute wasting precious seed?

    1. He threw himself under the bus. I am pro choice. And no, I am not catholic and dont believe in "precious seed".
      Now its your chance, if Obama (and the democrat party) is pro gay marriage, why is this guy asked not to run again. No charges, consensual sex, yet, thrown under the bus.

    2. Does this mean we get to also talk about the Republican from Kansas who decided to dunk his junk in the Sea of Galilee too?
