Friday, March 8, 2013

Breeding Hate

By Jeff Simpson

The Southern Poverty Law Center is out with another report on hate and extremism, the results are not pretty(emphasis mine)!   

there were 1,360 radical, anti-government “Patriot” groups (including 321 militias) in 2012. Such groups numbered only 149 in 2008. This represents an 813 percent rise since President Obama took office—and not coincidentally, the fourth straight year the numbers have increased.

“These numbers far exceed the movement’s peak in the 1990s, when militias were inflamed by the 1993 Brady Bill and the 1994 assault rifle ban,” says the report.

At the same time, active “hate groups – neo-Nazis, white nationalists, racist skinheads, and others” continue to proliferate at near-record highs. The SPLC counted 1,007 such groups in 2012. Organizations considered hate groups by the Center “have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics,” and their activities can include “criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing.”

 Let see growth in right wing hate groups is 813% since 2008, what event in 2008 could have helped that number grow

All of the right wing fear mongering is really paying off, at least until one of these loons snaps!  

By the way what was one of the defining factors in way to tell if a group was a hate group or not?  the word "Patriot" was(very much mislabled) in their title!

Now, it seems likely that the radical right’s growth will continue. In 2012, before Obama’s re-election and the Newtown, Conn., massacre, the rate of Patriot growth had slackened somewhat, although it remained significant. Anger over the idea of four more years under a black, Democratic president — and, even more explosively, the same kinds of gun control efforts that fueled the militia movement of the 1990s — seems already to be fomenting another Patriot spurt.

Hmmmmm, Wisconsin has their share!

Alarm & Muster: The Modern Day Alarm Riders Statewide
America First Party of Wisconsin Muscoda
American Opinion Foundation, Inc. Appleton
American Opinion Publishing Appleton
Badger State Volunteers* Statewide
Campus Liberty Alliance Appleton
Central Wisconsin Militia* Statewide
Constitution Party Milwaukee
David-Wynn: Miller Milwaukee
John Birch Society Appleton
John Birch Society — Liberty News Network Appleton
John Birch Society Shop Appleton
Native American Militia* Statewide
Northeast Wisconsin Militia* Statewide
Northwoods Patriots Eagle River
Oath Keepers Statewide
Oneida Grape Vine Group* Statewide
People’s Awareness Coalition Kieler
The Republic for the united States of America Statewide
The Republic for the united States of America — Republic Congress Statewide
Southeast Wisconsin Volunteers* Southeast
Tenth Amendment Center Statewide
We Are Change Madison
We the People Statewide


  1. i am thinking this is fairly good evidence.

    Misinformation, Fear, And Hate In America

  2. There is also a minor KKK/Nazi infestation in Mercer, including a KKK Grand Leprechaun who is originally from Chicago. The rodents operate a flea-bitten bar called "Antlers Pub". I spent a week last summer in the Mercer area, which is otherwise a beautiful place for a vacation and was warned off the KKK bar by a number of locals.

  3. Just because groups are not "Progressive" doesn't make them "Hate groups". People organizing against a Govt that is out of control whether under Bush or Obama; doesn't equal "Hate". Look at all the violence, property abuse etc. that occurred under the name "Occupy". Compare to that to all of millions of people who attended peaceful TEA Party rallies and all the smaller group meetngs across the country.

    1. The fact that the teahadists are promoting a racist, sexist agenda makes them hateful. And the Teahadists are also bought and paid for sheeples, compared to real people. Sorry, I'm not interested in being a Stepford citizen.

    2. Look at all the violence, property abuse etc. that occurred under the name "Occupy". Compare to that to all of millions of people who attended peaceful TEA Party rallies and all the smaller group meetngs across the country.

      I would compare that if that statement wasnt so full of sci fi
