Partially because of the big bill involved with the work that needs to be done, there has been some contention between the two entities on who was responsible for what and who controlled what.
To help mediate between the two, the Milwaukee County Board brought in former Interim County Executive and retired Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske to mediate between them.
Even has Geske was working on brokering an agreement, Milwaukee County Emperor Chris Abele tried to interfere with the negotiations by changing the players in the middle of talks. Unsurprisingly, Abele lied about being asked to do this, even though no one had.
Fortunately, the Board shut down his efforts at manipulations and soon thereafter Geske was able to help the two parties reach a tentative agreement.
But suddenly, just days before Independence Day, Abele does the only thing he knows how to do and has yet another temper tantrum about the agreement. Holding his breath and stamping his feet, he is threatening to blow up the whole agreement:
Abele's stance on money "is jeopardizing the entire deal," said County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic. "The people of Milwaukee County are ready to make a significant, long-term commitment to protect these treasures."Abele claims that is opposition is based on an extra half million dollars and making a long-term commitment.
She compared Abele's position to a groom who gets cold feet on his wedding day and said it had angered museum and War Memorial officials.
In a June 25 email, Deputy Corporation Counsel Mark Grady apologized to museum and War Memorial negotiators for the county backing away from funding levels under discussion.
"I sincerely regret this late change in position that you are receiving from me," Grady wrote. "I expect this will generate much angst," he wrote.
Funny thing is that Abele has no problem with spending that much just to give his cronies in his administration in taxpayer-funded bonuses. He also doesn't have an issue spending many times that much to allow his plutocratic pals in the Greater Milwaukee Committee to profiteer off the county grounds or off the former lake bed where O'Donnell Park is.
It is far more likely that this is Abele lashing back at the County Board for once again showing him up in the leadership and maturity departments. And even more likely than that is that his fellow plutocrats in the Greater Milwaukee Committee would rather profiteer off that land as Abele sets about privatizing assets such as the parks and the War Memorial Center.
It's all but certain that the County Board will try to stop any efforts by Abele to sabotage the preservation of these two entities and the buildings and lands where they are sited.
And don't think for a minute that the veterans haven't noticed that Abele is trying to give them the shaft either. Take a look at what a small group he could draw for a ceremony honoring veterans a few weeks ago:
And it should be pointed out that the group also includes his employees, like County (less than) Supervisor Deanna Alexander. Any fewer people and it might as well be a Charlie Sykes' book signing event.
Abele really needs to grow up and start acting like an adult instead of a spoiled little brat. Then he can also go back to school and learn how government works.
Given his track record, what Abele will probably do instead is go to Representatives Joe Sanfelippo and Dale Kooyenga, give them another boatload of cash, and ask them to draft a law outlawing veterans and art.
Abele does not believe in Milwaukee. He just wants to flush it down. He has no vision to grow the city as cities across the Midwest and the country are doing.