While the situation in Oak Creek continues to develop rapidly, we are working with the FBI and local law enforcement. I became aware of the situation late this morning and continue to receive updated briefings.I won't touch Walker's hypocritical tribute to the public sector workers who were the first responders to this horror. For now.
Our hearts go out to the victims and their families, as we all struggle to comprehend the evil that begets this terrible violence.
At the same time, we are filled with gratitude for our first responders, who show bravery and selflessness as they put aside their own safety to protect our neighbors and friends.
Tonette and I ask everyone to join us in praying for the victims and their families, praying for the safety of our law enforcement and first responder professionals and praying for strength and healing for this entire community and our state.
But considering that Walker weakened the gun laws in this state in return for endorsements and campaign donations from the NRA and its members, his actions speak a lot louder than his empty words do.
His real statement is a few thousand dollars is more important to him than the lives of these victims.
If he really cares one iota for the victims and their families, he would shun the NRA and take actual action to improve public safety.
Excuse me if I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
I know this will never happen, but maybe Sykes and the rest of the hate talkers can give the racist dog-whistling a rest. Is that too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteWalker made a huge mistake in weakening the gun laws. I wish he could be charged with all the murders that have resulted from his actions.
ReplyDeleteGareth- This is exactly who I point the finger at. The dog-whistlers of hate who Walker has constantly kissed up to on 620 and 1130 lead directly to goofballs like this going over the edge and thinking it's a good idea to shoot up a place of worship. Do I believe this will cause the heads at JournalComm and Clear Channel Milwaukee to tell their Hatefest hosts to tone it down? No, I don't, which is why were are GOING THERE when it isn't PC to do so.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me this incident is isolated. Too many of these mass murder incidents continue to happen for me to believe these things happen in isolation.
Just like the Gabby Giffords incident the despicable among us start their political conjecture before the families have started grieving for their loved ones.
Truly despicable...
I said nothing about the shooter's politics. I am talking about the overly lax gun laws. And you know that, yet try to distract from the issue.
DeleteHoly shit, you guys are truly pathetic bastards that you would take the murder of 6 people and turn it into a political statement.
ReplyDeleteI always thought you were just crazy capper, but you and your ilk are just sick crazy bastards who need to taken out of the public an placed in places like Mendota Mental Health Institute or the Milwaukee County psych. ward.
Just, sick you are capper and you seriously need help.
This is the second mass murder in this country in less than a month and you are bitching about people wanting to change this? You are the sick bastard, Dan, that doesn't want the senseless killing to stop, is in complete denial about why it is happening and how it is happening.
DeleteYou are a loathsome little toad that people should avoid for the sake of their safety and sanity.
Dan doesn't have the balls to reflect and do what it takes to possibly stop the next tragic mass shooting from happening. He just cares how his team looks.
ReplyDeleteMe? I've had it with this culture of violence, and I've had it with the gutless who keep telling us that "it's just an isolated incident." It's not isolated, and this person targeted that Sikh temple for a reason.
If that reason includes hate radio, and if this bastard was able to pull off the killings in no small part because we've made it easy to get guns, then we should do something about it. And I don't care if doing something hurts little Danny's feewings.
More reports are coming in that the gunman was a white supremacist. Danny Boy couldn't figure out why the gunman shot up the Sikhs. It's because they weren't good white folk like him and Danny. Maybe Danny's inherent racism is a factor in his blind foolishness.
DeletePlus Danny-boy is not too bright. Still can't figure out how he got a job teaching. Must have much lower standards in Vegas.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the odious Scott Walker, you need to call out each and every state legislator who voted to make Wisconsin the Uncontrolled Gun Capital of the World.
I heard the Feds were called in, let's hope they don't leave town before this investigation is fully fleshed out. 'Cause I sure don't have much hope for the state DOJ.